Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Pet portrait custom dog paintings by Karen Tarlton

                                     It's dry! shipping this new custom commission 24x36 soon!

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Hummingbird and Cow and flowers palette knife fine art impressionism paintings by Karen Tarlton

So much gratitude for nature. These whimsical animals and flowers calm my spirit and they help me see the beauty in simple things.

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Gathering Flowers painting by Karen Tarlton palette knife fine art impressionism

"Gathering Flowers"

I have come to drag you out of yourself and take you in my heart.
I have come to bring out the beauty you never knew you had and lift you like a prayer to the sky.
~ Rumi

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Sunflowers in vase by Karen Tarlton Palette knife fine art impressionism

Loads of time to paint now that my little dog has passed.
I'm on the waiting list for a new puppy soon though!  
In the floral still life brought to life on canvas!

Sunflower in Vase

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Hummingbird Dance palette knife fine art impressionism by Karen Tarlton

 You have to use your imagination quite a bit when you paint them. When I watch them in my yard all I see is a brief blur of color and motion, and this is the energy I try to capture here.
Bold, expressive palette knife movements and energizing color

Hummingbird Dance
6x6 oil on canvas

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Lake Como Italy Reflections 24x30 painting by Karen Tarlton palette knife fine art impressionism in oil

After my walk yesterday, I was inspired to paint this Lake Como memory. Staycations can also be inspirations
24x30 "Lake Como Italy Reflections" ~

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Hummingbird Dance by Karen Tarlton palette knife fine art impressionism

Hummingbird Dance

If you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely. ~ Roald Dahl

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Lake Tahoe Serenity by Karen Tarlton palette knife fine art impressionism

So I'm going to start some new paintings this week that I hope bring a sense of peace and serenity to to our chaotic and sometimes very stressful world.  Remember that eventually we will be back to calm.

Monday, April 27, 2020

Bluebonnet Sunrise by Karen Tarlton palette knife fine art impressionism

Today, I want to tell you what I’ve been up to in this new strange world we are in.
Maybe you’ll feel the same and perhaps you’ll find some inspiration.
A few things I like to do besides painting of course:
Reading: A great book on the deck. Fresh air and turning the escape.
WATCHING. Ellen, and Modern Family reruns or and anything that makes me laugh and feel good.
Growing lettuce! a pot. It's so rewarding to water the soil and see the little plants pop up.
WINE. Doing my part to support my local wine maker. :)
DANCING. Always play music while painting and change it up. I love anything I can dance to and yes I dance while I paint!
VIRTUAL MEETUPS. I love my weekly zoom meeting with my kids and family. So love it.
Virtual workouts. Just started Body combat and it's awesome! I'll be able to take down a mugger at the end of all this.
WALKING. Two hour walks every day to Sunset Cliffs and back. There is nothing like a walk near nature, the ocean in my case, but a garden or neighborhood too, that bring you back to joy.
I wish all of you health, and joy and great days to come. We'll get through this. We are USA tough and don't let stress overwhelm you. Find time to find joy. Art helps too with that.

Monday, March 9, 2020

Sea Turtle painting palette knife fine art impressionism by Karen Tarlton

"Sea Turtle"

One of my favorite sea creatures.
I once swam with a few of these on scuba and what lovely, gentle creatures.

Friday, February 21, 2020

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Spring Birds and Pink Magnolias and Beach Stroll painting by Karen Tarlton

Spring inspired paintings with many shades of blue.
Birds and Pink Magnolias

"Beach Stroll"