Monday, April 27, 2020

Bluebonnet Sunrise by Karen Tarlton palette knife fine art impressionism

Today, I want to tell you what I’ve been up to in this new strange world we are in.
Maybe you’ll feel the same and perhaps you’ll find some inspiration.
A few things I like to do besides painting of course:
Reading: A great book on the deck. Fresh air and turning the escape.
WATCHING. Ellen, and Modern Family reruns or and anything that makes me laugh and feel good.
Growing lettuce! a pot. It's so rewarding to water the soil and see the little plants pop up.
WINE. Doing my part to support my local wine maker. :)
DANCING. Always play music while painting and change it up. I love anything I can dance to and yes I dance while I paint!
VIRTUAL MEETUPS. I love my weekly zoom meeting with my kids and family. So love it.
Virtual workouts. Just started Body combat and it's awesome! I'll be able to take down a mugger at the end of all this.
WALKING. Two hour walks every day to Sunset Cliffs and back. There is nothing like a walk near nature, the ocean in my case, but a garden or neighborhood too, that bring you back to joy.
I wish all of you health, and joy and great days to come. We'll get through this. We are USA tough and don't let stress overwhelm you. Find time to find joy. Art helps too with that.

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