Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Spring Love Blooms original oil painting by Karen Tarlton

This is Uptown Art in Louisville
They offer classes on how to paint my Spring Romance painting and the
class did a pretty amazing job!
Uptown art offers workshops and classes all across the country 
and there you can paint many of my paintings.
I'm proud of these happy folks....blossoming artists.

And here's a new one I just finished today!
it won't be dry for awhile but I thought I would share.
Spring Love Blooms

Well 3 days left in the art Artiste Wine Label Finals!
I'm quickly falling behind. Down 87 votes and in 3rd place
So I'm hoping to get a few more votes
before I throw in the towel.

Please vote and share to put me in the lead. apps.agorapulse.com Voting ends soon!
Just click on the link and like the page to vote and if I win my art goes on their wine labels!
https://www.facebook.com/ArtisteWine/app_343236642414878 and my painting is Rain Dance by me.........Karen Tarlton
and please spread the word and post on your facebook page, only 3 days left in the contest!


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