Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Sailing Beyond the Wildflowers

I'm totally allergic to cats but for some reason everywhere we live, and we move every few years, cats find me. This one belongs to my neighbor but he comes on in and hangs out with me while I paint everyday, for the last 3 months or so. I swear he is the reincarnation of a cat I had a few years ago. He's not at all afraid of our dog, in fact Maggie is a little scared of him, and just makes himself at home. I'm taking allergy pills again I guess.....he's my muse.

Sailing Beyond the Wildflowers


A tranquil little landscape in rich thick oil with palette knife and brush. Vivid blues and greens reminds me of Scotland.
"You can keep a dog but it is the cat who keeps people; because cats find humans useful domestic animals."-- George Mikes

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