Saturday, December 11, 2010

Under my Umbrella

Title: Under my Umbrella
Size: 20 x 24
Medium: oil
This is the time of year you really need to hold your loved ones tight!!! Inspired by love this painting sings to me and I hope it inspires you too.

No painting today....I took the day off to Christmas up the house with my family. Here is our youngest daughter, Kayla, with Maggie our darling dog in front of the biggest tree we could find! It's got to be ten feet tall and took all day to decorate. It's so much fun to take out each special ornament with our daughters and watch them hang it in just the right spot on the tree! I love this time of year and really have enjoyed shipping all the wrapped paintings off like one of Santa's elves!! Thanks for checking in and have a great weekend!

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