Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Autumn Sunset Glow

Title: Autumn Sunset Glow
Size: 24 x 30
Medium: oil on stretched canvas
available for purchase by check or paypal but won't be dry until about 10/10/10
I painted this one from my imagination, as I often do. I've seen so many gorgeous skies in my life and, I see these beautiful images in my head all the time. This is one of the reasons I think, I have to paint unclutter my mind.
Today I went on antibiotics and am starting to feel alive again. Yesterday I just slept most of the day and got worse and worse. Once or twice a year my kids come home with little colds and I get it and get sick as a recovery in site until I start antibiotics. Thanks god for those 5 little pills. Some how in my foggy, feverish haze, I managed to paint this grand landscape and I like how I paint when I have a fever! I love the pops of cad red against the warm greens and golden sunset skies......makes me smile. I hope you enjoy it as well!
"There are no rules of architecture for a castle in the clouds." --G. K. Chesterton

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