Saturday, August 28, 2010

Violin Inspiration

Title: Violin Inspiration
Size: 12 x 24
Medium: mixed media and oil on stretched canvas

contact me for purchase info and don't forget to click on image to enlarge.

Painted for all of those who love and appreciate great music and creative fine art!
People often ask me, "How do you decide what to paint everyday?" The answer is simply I don't think about it much. I just "feel" like painting something. The day I painted this, my daughter was practicing her violin, playing one of my favorite pieces by Bach, Gavotte in D Major, and I just had to sketch her. It's just wonderful having two beautiful teenage daughters as my models whenever I have the urge to paint a portrait! I also love working in texture and layers of different mediums, so in this case I varnished layers of her music into the canvas and glazed oils over them for a wonderful aged look. Then added many more layers of oils in the portait itself and the textured background. I love this painting and hope you enjoy it too!

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