Monday, August 30, 2010

Story of a Poppy Field

Title: Story of a Poppy Field
Size: 20 x 24
Medium: oil on stretched canvas
contact me for purchase!

There is something wonderful about creating a painting like this from memories of fields and pure imagination. I love layering thick paints and freely dragging and moving the paint around while it's still wet in this impasto approach. I painted plein air, outdoors, for many years and developed my own loose, painterly style using knife and brush. Plein air painters fight the elements and quickly loose light so you learn how to be expedient and work a lot from memory.
Here I try to make you feel part of the flower field and while my art is always decorative, I hope it evokes some great emotion as well.
Thanks for checking in and remember to check out more of my work at my new Etsy store!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Violin Inspiration

Title: Violin Inspiration
Size: 12 x 24
Medium: mixed media and oil on stretched canvas

contact me for purchase info and don't forget to click on image to enlarge.

Painted for all of those who love and appreciate great music and creative fine art!
People often ask me, "How do you decide what to paint everyday?" The answer is simply I don't think about it much. I just "feel" like painting something. The day I painted this, my daughter was practicing her violin, playing one of my favorite pieces by Bach, Gavotte in D Major, and I just had to sketch her. It's just wonderful having two beautiful teenage daughters as my models whenever I have the urge to paint a portrait! I also love working in texture and layers of different mediums, so in this case I varnished layers of her music into the canvas and glazed oils over them for a wonderful aged look. Then added many more layers of oils in the portait itself and the textured background. I love this painting and hope you enjoy it too!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Tangle of Sunflowers

Title: Tangle of Sunflowers
Size: 9 x 12
Medium: oil on stretched canvas
contact me for purchase info

This is a little gem of a painting! Lots of great texture and I love the red background color that peeks through all around the canvas. I'm having trouble resisting painting these flowers lately, but this is the last one for a little while, I promise!
I'm painting a lovely series of larger Autumn landscapes with broken color everywhere and lots of reds, golds, and pops of blue. Keep checking in please and don't hesitate to email me a request!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Venice Twilight

This painting is SOLD

Title: Venice Twilight
Size: 16 x 20
Medium: oil on stretched canvas

I just love painting the Venice canals. I love the reflective light and rich tones and details of the old buildings. Everytime I sell a Venice painting that was hanging in a gallery or even in my living room! I paint another to replace it and never tire of painting this inspirational and unique city! This one has really thick oil paint and rich greens and warm ocher/gold colors! Hope you enjoy and thanks for checking in!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Victorian Pink Roses

My first bloom here in my new desert home! I was so excited I had to paint!


Title: Victorian Pink Roses

Size: 20 x 24

Medium: oil on stretched canvas


Another garden inpired painting of large pink romantic roses. Fragrant and full, these delicate summer flowers are always elegant and sophisticated. I'm still working on my roses here in Nevada. The dry, hot climate makes it easy to grow a great rose! Hope you enjoy and thanks for checking in!

Saturday, August 21, 2010


Title: Light
Size: 20 x 24
Medium: oil on stretched canvas

A new original oil abstract with rich texture and broken color! Not only is color one of the key elements in interior design, it can totally affect and change your mood. This painting is an uplifting and energizing piece!
Red brings energy, passion and warmth into your room, while the gold brings sunshine and intelect! The blue colors add loyalty, contemplation, serenity and authority to this painting. I think the combination of colors will lift your spirits and illuminate your space for sure!
Don't forget to click on the image to enlarge! Thanks for checking in!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Fresh Cut Roses

the Pink roses in the back are from my beautiful Virginia garden. I'm already working on growing some great roses here in keep checking in!
Title: Fresh Cut Roses

Size: 20 x 24

Medium: Oil on stretchced canvas

Beautiful pops of vivid reds, pinks and yellows in rich impasto oil!

Inspiration: Love of Roses! I love growing this flower, cutting it and arranging them. If you need any tips on growing roses, I've been growing them all over the US for the past 20 years and have become a bit of an expert.

Here are a few tips:

Roses love Sun!

They love to be cut back and after a bloom you should cut it back to the first 5 leaf you see and cut at any angle for more blooms!

Douse in soapy water to kill afids or get ladybugs!

Plant a banana peel under the roots to give your plant a potassium boost!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Fall Romance

Title: Fall Romance
size: 20 x 24
Medium: oil on stretched canvas
Available in my new Etsy store!
I guess I am ready for some cooler weather so here is my latest Fall painting.....thick palette knife drags in buttery oil! I used rich cad reds and yellows and mixed some outstanding greens, laying them neatly on top.
Inspiration: We just moved from Virginal and as much as I hate the humidity, the fall colors there are spectacular. I'm getting used to the desert climate of Nevada and have noticed some wonderful evening skies here that I am longing to paint! Hope you keep checking in!

Monday, August 16, 2010

The Race

Title: The Race
Size: 20 x 24
Medium: oil on stretched canvas
These horses come to life with brilliant color and texture. I used all my favorite teals, reds and golds with many layers of thick oil. I have long been interested in patterns of color and love the way the oil moves with a palette knife, like rich butter, visceral and deep. Though this work is fairly abstract, I wanted this painting to be believable, so ou can feel the movement of the animals and their strength. Three seems to be a great number for almost any piece.
I hope you enjoy this and it reminds you to really feel "the wind in your hair"!

You can find this painting on auction soon or Etsy for purchase!

Saturday, August 14, 2010


Title: Bold Beautiful Bird
Size: 9 x 12
Medium: oil on stretched canvas
I just love to paint these colorful personalities! Many layers of ocher colors and then pops of red and teal make this bird sing!

I am recovering from some tired overworked arms and had to take some time off of painting for about a week. Just have been working a bit too hard the doctor says. I guess I'm a workaholic so time off, sitting back and relaxing are really not much in my vocabulary but I'm trying.

Title: Intoxication
Size: 12 x 16
Medium: oil on stretched canvas
Here is a piece that I reflections to the extreme! Lots of paint and deep contrast of color. Both of these paintings are SOLD

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Sonata in Blue

Title: Sonata in Blue

size: 16 x 20

Medim: oil on stretched canvas

Yes I was listening to classical when I painted her and I think it shows. The music resonates onto the canvas here with the the play of warm golds against cool blues and energetic, bold strokes of oil. I moved about the canvas in a bit of a frenzy on this, layer upon layer, and my arms were very tired hours later! I loved every second of the music and the painting experience, and hope you enjoy it too!

This piece is currently available on eBay auction or buy it now on Etsy!

Friday, August 6, 2010

The Power of Three


Title: The Power of Three
Size: 20 x 24
Medium: oil on stretched canvas
I got carried away with the rich, thick paint on this one.....unbelievable texture. I really enjoy painting thick with vibrant colors that just scream energy! It is amazing in person and the photos just don't do justice. I hope you see some of the details in the zooms available on my auction or in my Etsy store!
I love the warm, rich tones and movement in this powerful painting. The horses seemed to emerge like sculpture from the oil....pure energy!

"Playing in the Sand"
I am offering this 18 x24 oil framed in a lovely wide antiqued gold frame. Amazing texture and rich broken layers of oil in this large oil. Details available on my auction!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Colors of Times Square NY

A tiny little 6 x 6 Abstract Equine painting! Available on Etsy as part of a new summer sale and tiny painting series!

Title: Colors of Times Square NY

Size: 18 x 24

Medium: oil on stretched canvas


One of my favorite places and scenes to paint. Blurry because this is the way I see at night, poor night vision, and because I love thickly textured, and slightly abstract images. It's modern and colorful and full of life like Times Square, its inspiration.

Going on eBay auction but will be available on Etsy too, if you would rather buy it now!

Working on some abstracts too.....I'll post when I get a few more completed! I've been thinking about my love of abstract. I think some of it is that it really is pure emotion. I have two teenage daughters and I think painting is helping me vent....painting therapy!

Thanks for checking in!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Out of the Blue

Yes these two paintings were painted by me! Sometimes I think I'm a bit schizophrenic because I can't decide on definite style.....abstract, realism or impressionism. I just enjoy the variety and constantly moving on to a different style and genre keeps me inspired. The above painting is available on my eBay auction tonight or can be purchased directly out of my Etsy store for those of you who don't like the whole auction thing.

Title: Out of the Blue

Size: 20 x 24

Medium: Acrylic on stretched canvas

Contact me for purchase or see my Etsy store!

I love this one and wonder what you see in the blur of colors and textures. This painting can be hung vertically like shown or flipped to be horizontal.

Don't forget you can .....Click to enlarge!

Working on some more abstracts this week and also some more, almost abstract but not quite, impressionistic pony paintings! I will be finishing a series of very small horse paintings...6 x 6 to put in my Etsy store soon.

thanks for checking in!

Monday, August 2, 2010


Title: Enlightenment
Size: 18 x 24
Medium: Acrylic
contact me for purchase or see my Etsy store!

I have always loved abstract art from deep within. I love painting abstract paintings more than I can tell you and although I will still paint some impressionistic and more traditional paintings, I am driven to paint a large series of abstract pieces, so I will. This is the first.
My abstract work is a modern fusion of design, texture and color. It is pure joy and a way to express myself without any limitations. I actually don't know what I'm painting until I paint it, other than the colors I intend to use and the basic compostition. The piece always evolves as I work it, almost on its own. It is of the moment, affected by mood, and sometimes caffiene! I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed painting it!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Summer Hydrangea Blues

Title: Summer Hydrangea Blues
Size: 16 x 20
Medium: oil on stretched canvas
I love contrasts of color, so playing warm orange/reds off against cool blues is just fantastic. Because the colors compliment eachother, they become more powerful, and extreme texture and broken color makes the painting unique.
I'm having a wonderful time with color lately, so much in fact that I am painting a new series of ABSTRACT paintings, I mean VERY ABSTRACT paintings, some acrylic and some oil and some using both that I will be ready to show in the coming months. The beauty of abstract art is that is all about color and movement and form. Pure and from the moment, and can never be duplicated or copied. Unbelievable freeing and fun.
I think for many people an art purchase can be a big here are some tips I tell my collectors:
1. Mood. What mood are you looking for in the space? Artwork can be energectic, impactful and the focal point of the room, or it can be a subtle complement to the the room, the choice is yours.
2. Either way it should make the space feel complete, and give the room a lift!
Designers help their clients select artwork which sets the mood of the room and has all the colors that work with the's really pretty simple.
3. The artwork should make you feel good, and should be a reflection of you! There is no right or wrong, if it's the right piece for your'll know it!
4. FILL YOUR HOME with art you love that is a reflection of your personality.....and hopefully some of it will be mine!