Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Summer Bouquet

Title: Summer Bouquet
Size: 18 x 24
Medium: oil on stretched canvas
I finished this one last week and am posting it on auction tonight! I am getting carried away with flowers but it is hard to resist with everything blooming around me. This lovely painting really shows well and when you see it you will want to reach out and pick a bloom because it is so 3-dimensional. I loaded up my palette knife the same way I love to spread cream cheese on a bagel. Super thick, but I used a very expensive new white by Gablin that dries much faster so it is already almost dry.
I'm working on believing in this: DON'T SWEAT THE SMALL STUFF. AND IT'S ALL SMALL STUFF.
I know it's true but as a type A slightly nuerotic personality...I still need to work on it. I think I still sweat too much sometimes, so to speak.
It's been a rough last couple of days: kids in finals in school still. Packers come in 2 days and my car broke down last night so I had it towed off this morning.
Lots of bumps in the road but I'm almost at the top of the hill and I hope there's a great view!
Thanks for checking in. Try not to sweat!

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