Thursday, June 17, 2010

Fall Romance

Title: Fall Romance
Size: 16 x 20
Medium: oil on stretched canvas
I've had this painting, one of my favorite Romance landscapes on eBay in my store for awhile and decided to run it at auction for a lower price. It is actually in a gallery right now and if it sells there I will have to pull the auction, but if it gets a bid on eBay, I will pull it out of the gallery!
As some of you know, our family is doing another big military move at the end of this month and we are starting to stress! There is a lot to do and of course our teenagers are in the middle of finals so stress is at its maximum!
I will continue listing paintings on eBay however, even during my move! It won't take long for us to get there and we are machines when it comes to unpacking 300 boxes! You can expect some great new paintings in the next few weeks for sure!
Thanks again for checking in!

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