Thursday, December 3, 2009

Fall Red Aspen and Sky

ABOUT THE PAINTING: A recent commission that I just finished and is still wet.
I've painted several Christmas present commissions this month
and I always enjoy them. It's wonderful to paint a place that is special
to a family and knowing that it will be a unique gift is a joy.

Title: Fall Red Aspen and Sky
Size: 20 x 24
Medium: Oil on stretched canvas

This is a vibrant holiday red, fall tree painted in rich broken colors of reds and blues and super thick bark and leaf texture applied with knife and brush. Some of my favorite colors and textures were used here and I just love painting these trees.
I was accepted into a juried show that will be held in January which is always exciting.
I will also be in a new gallery in Arlington in January so I'm getting paintings ready for that reception and I have an art show this weekend, actually starting tomorrow at the historic Fort CF Smith which will be lots of fun. I love the architecture of the beautiful building and to see all the wonderful art from other artists I hang with is inspiring. A busy, busy month!

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