Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Original oil painting Dance of the Hummingbirds by Karen

Dance of the Hummingbirds 

"She was a phantom of delight
When first she gleamed upon my sight;
A lovely apparition, sent
to be a moment's ornament;
A dancing Shape, an image gay,
To haunt, to startle, and way-lay.
And yet a spirit still, and bright
With something of angelic light."

Monday, July 29, 2013

Original oil painting Angus Cow commission palette knife fine art by Karen

Angus Cow
Sold on commission

If you would like your own custom painting 
view more of my work or contact me on Etsy.
Lovely eyes on ol Bessy :)

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Original oil painting Paris Love by Karen Tarlton

Paris Romance

Paris Memory

Brand  new urban vision of Paris in Love. These original oil paintings have a unique combination of color, texture, and modern perspective.
Paris Memory sold in minutes after listing.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Original oil painting Summer Beach Children by Karen

Summer Beach Memories 
"The artist's world is limitless.
It can be found anywhere, far from
where he lives, or a few feet away.
It is always on his doorstep."
~Paul Strand
A charming and special Summer beach memory in vivid, rich oils and my modern impressionistic style. I think it’s these special carefree moments in time that are the most precious, and the ones we look back on tearfully as our children grow up. This original oil painting is rich with color and texture. Thickly sculpted with expressive palette knife movements, I capture a young girl enjoying the wonders of the ocean. 

Follow me on Facebook
My art on Etsy

Monday, July 22, 2013

Original oil painting Wonders of the Seashore by Karen Tarlton

Wonders of the Seashore

I don't care how old our kids get,
I think we always remember them as children
and are always our babies.

A charming and special Summer beach memory in vivid, rich oils and my modern impressionistic style. I think it’s these special carefree moments in time that are the most precious, and the ones we look back on tearfully as our children grow up. This original oil painting is rich with color and texture. Thickly sculpted with expressive palette knife movements, I capture a young girl enjoying the wonders of the ocean. 

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Original oil painting Times Square Rain by Karen Tarlton

Rain Dance 

Times Square Rain

"Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it" - Henry David Thoreau

Well if that's the case than I'm in luck!
What a busy week :)
Summer seems to fly by in a blink.
Only four weeks left with our youngest daughter and then she's off to college
on the east coast.
I'm getting ready to travel to NY again soon which is exciting :)
Love it - even in the hot summer it's a place that
reminds us to imagine, create and inspire!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Original oil painting Sunset Starry Winter by Karen Tarlton

Sunset Starry Winter

Sunsets are dazzling
and let us know we are alive
life is good
A new day will come

"Strive not to be a success
but rather to be of value"
-Albert Einstein
(I love that guy)

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Original oil painting Summer Beach Dunes and Sea by Karen Tarlton

Beach Dunes
Spending a few hours a day watching the sailboats go by inspires me to paint scenes like this.
Right now we live a few miles from the beach so
it's possible to take a little jog 
along the boardwalk while looking out at water.

When I return to my studio to paint,
I remember colors much more vividly
than if I were still staring at the sea.
I close my eyes, listen to the ocean and paint!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Original oil painting Texas Bluebonnets by Karen Tarlton

Bluebonnet Dance

On my trip up north there were lots of wildflowers!
I think many are called lupine but really there are none as pretty
as the Texas bluebonnet
a tried and true favorite :)

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Original oil paintings equine horse portraits by Karen Tarlton

Two brand new 8x8 Abstract horse portraits listing soon!
These look great hanging together as a pair.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Angel painting - palette knife oil - by Karen Tarlton
Angel of Peace and Joy

Love, inspiration, color and happiness - that's what it's all about

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Original oil painting Rooster Dance by Karen

Rooster Dance
I'm enjoying my time in the mountains.
We went on a long 5 mile hike up to Cleo's Baths yesterday - photos and paintings from the trip will be posted soon
Here's a dancing bird I painted last week that just listed.
Have a great Thursday :)

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Original oil painting Romance landscape colors of Rain by Karen

Colors of Rain

I've had several requests for more abstract Romance landscapes
here you go!

Off to go on a hike up a huge mountain to a beautiful place called Cleo's Baths.
I'll get some photos and inspiration for sure!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Original oil painting Colorful Cow palette knife fine art by Karen Tarlton


Sweet eyed cow - no brown on this baby.
I love to push my color and texture,
We saw farms and cows on the drive up to the mountains.
Such peaceful sweet animals

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Original oil painting spring birds and blooms by Karen Tarlton

Spring Birds and Blooms

  I'm planning on doing some plein air painting this week!
We're up in the mountains of California
weather is perfect and sunny
Wildflowers and singing birds everywhere!

My internet is sporatic at best but I'll do my best to post some of the latest!

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Original oil painting Sunset Winter Poetry landscape by Karen Tarlton

Sunset Winter Poetry
Ok I know it's summer but I love a sunset winterscape :)

Friday, July 5, 2013

Original oil paintings Harbor Boats and beach landscapes by Karen Tarlton

Finished off a huge month of commissions.
I love painting custom paintings for my collectors.
Just finished a dozen new beach scenes and here are a couple :)

Monday, July 1, 2013

Original oil painting Summer Beach Girl by Karen Tarlton

Summer Beach Memory

We had a lovely day running on the beach yesterday.
A BEACH RUN is the best painting inspiration!
My daughter and I are running together everyday now -
although I don't quite keep up with her yet, I'm getting faster!
(I think the new vegan diet helps with speed too)
There are lots of vacationing families enjoying the sand 
and I love to people watch,
especially the smaller children.
6 more weeks with my daughter before she goes off to college!
(I'll be painting lots more little girl paintings I think)