Sunday, April 28, 2013

Original oil painting Spring Time in New York by Karen Tarlton

 A few snapshots from one of my favorite places!
Central Park, NY in the Spring :)

 Did a little painting of course
 The trees are blooming all around the park in shades of pink, white and violet

 And I love listening to the talented musicians of Central park

This old person feeding the birds was having such a great time. It made me smile.
Just finished this one.....20x24 and listing soon!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Original oil painting Lion by Karen Tarlton

 Lion portrait
A lot of sad, and horrible things happened all around the world. There was a horrible explosion at a fertilizer plant in West, Texas. The lives of 15 people were lost, and hundreds of others had their lives changed forever by tragedy.  Strange sink holes popping up across the country. There  was a magnitude 6.6 earthquake which killed 188 people in Yuxi, China. On April 15th, two homemade bombs exploded within feet of the finish of the Boston Marathon killing 3 people and injuring almost 200 more.
Sad events make it tough to see good that's out there, but we have to work extremely hard to remember that the reason life is so precious is because of all the good and beautiful things that we human beings are capable of.
It is out there and goodness always prevails. Even in any disaster or attack there are amazing heros that run into the bombing to help others any way they can and it's these acts of kindness that we remember.
These wonderful things were happening before and they continue to happen, and they will happen.  Nothing, not disasters, not Nature, and not terrorism, can prevent us from always seeking to make the world a better and more beautiful place for themselves and for future generations.

For my part, I offer if nothing else, visions of joy, whimsy and beauty, in the hopes of uplifting spirits in some way or even just bring a smile when you glance at your computer screen.

Thanks for looking :)


Sunday, April 21, 2013

Two brand new colorful landscapes by Karen Tarlton

 California Coastal Vineyard
Blue skies and rolling hills 
Rows of vines
and blooming flowers!

Lake Como Italy

Tomorrow is Earth Day and my birthday.
Life flies by in the blink of an eye,
I'm so grateful for each day I'm blessed with.

Follow more of my works on Facebook: and like my fan page!

Two new favorites!
  Blue shutters, terra cotta pots, blooming flowers and ancient buildings.
True colors in Italy!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Original oil painting Pretty as a Peacock by Karen Tarlton

Pretty as a Peacock

He's a handsome guy! Thick, colorful paint on these bejeweled feathers.
Symbolic and whimsical, this decorative painting
makes a statement in any room.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Original oil painting by Karen Tarlton - cityscape, NYC

 Traveled all day to NYC!
It takes trains, planes and automobiles to get here (and catching the cab was the trickiest)
but we finally made it!
Off to find a great little Italian restaurant and a jazz club.

Just a little drizzle to add sparkle to Times Square tonight!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Original oil painting Wild Mustangs palette knife fine art impressionism by Karen Tarlton

Wild Mustangs

Love painting the background almost as much as the horses!
Long drags of color this way and that in lovely, transparent oil.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Original oil painting Spring Tree of Life by Karen Tarlton

Spring Tree of Life

Spring blossoms are blooming and colors are everywhere.
Cherry Blossoms are blooming in D.C.
and the trees make the world look like a fairy land and smell wonderful!
I wish I could see it this year!

Friday, April 5, 2013

Original oil painting Spring Birds and Blooms by Karen Tarlton

Spring Birds and Blooms

It is most definitely spring time around here.
The pollen is fierce though and I've been sneezing all day.
I love to see all the nesting birds
and flowers blooming though.
It's worth every sneeze :)

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Commissions and custom original oil paintings by Karen Tarlton

I've been busy finishing up some commissions - here are two that recently shipped off to their 
new homes. 
I'm also busy working on the illustrations for the new children's book that will be in production soon!

Here are  couple new whimsical animal paintings too!

Hope they inspire and bring a smile!