Sunday, December 30, 2012

Original oil painting Starry NIght Harbor Boats by Karen Tarlton

Starry Night Harbor Boats
Only one more day left until we turn the page on our calendars
and begin 2013
Hard to believe.
I still believe some of the things that were the most 
beautiful last year will be my favorites this year.
For example, I will always Love:
 a Starry sky
Reflective water
A warm fire and a cozy blanket
a really great cup of coffee
a really great glass of wine
a homemade meal
my child's embrace
my husband's smile

May your New year be as great as your old one.
Be safe!

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Original oil painting The Phoenix by Karen Tarlton

Painted on commission
24x36 in oil

Symbolic in so many ways and a great to symbol to start out the New Year!
Happy 2013 and may your new year be filled with
new beginnings, energy and health.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Winter's Joy Original oil painting by Karen Tarlton

Winter's Joy

I love to feel the warmth of sunshine on a cold winter’s day.  I grew up in Lake Tahoe and as much as I looked forward to the snow of winter, I remember looking forward to sunbathing at the the lodge after a ski run, and closing my eyes, feeling the warm sun on my face. The blinding snow glistening in the sun makes me see bright colors dancing off the ground.
I hope 2013 brings fresh inspirations and joy! Enjoy the snow before it begins to melt and don't forget to reflect and learn from the year's trials and tribulations.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Abstract Rain Original oil painting by Karen Tarlton

Abstract Rain 

Lovely Rain came down today, which is always a blessing here in Southern California.
Now the fog has lifted and the sun is shining
and everything is bright and glistening!
Warm wishes and Happy Holidays!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

December Poinsettia and Polar Bear Original oil painting by Karen Tarlton


Polar Bear

It's here....the loveliest time of year,
Wishing you all happiness, joy, and cheer.
May all your days be warm and bright,
And your nights enchanted by holiday light.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Angels by Karen Tarlton

Winter Angel

Angel with Flowers

Well I'm heartbroken at the sadness going on in Connecticut
right now and so angels are on my mind.
We ask ourselves....."But Why?"
I don't know and I don't understand. I do know that our love for our children is strong,
and continues on forever. These children will never be forgotten.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Original oil painting Portrait of a Cow by Karen Tarlton

Portrait of a Cow

It's all about the eyes with animals like this one don't you think?
This is another make me smile animal painting
and I hope it puts you in good spirits.

“A lovely thing about Christmas is that it's compulsory, like a thunderstorm, and we all go through it together.”~ Garrison Keillor

Monday, December 10, 2012

Three new Winter Angels in 10x10 by Karen Tarlton

 New Year Angel
 Angel with Flowers
Christmas Angel

A brand new size!
Love this 10x10 canvas so I'll be painting on more of these.
Just finished these and they will be dry by the end of the week.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Original oil painting Hummingbird Dance by Karen Tarlton

Hummingbird Dance of Two

Dancing away the weekend!
We put up our tree this day and lots of festive color. I love this time of year.
I love doing my holiday cards, decorating, baking and most of all, shipping out all of the paintings 
I've been so busy working on all month for you all! They are almost all dry in time for the holiday!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Original oil painting Spring Peacock palette knife fine art by Karen Tarlton

Strike a Pose Peacock

Back by popular demand!
A few have asked for a peacock or two
so here he is, striking a pose.
Yep.... I have that Madonna song stuck in my head :)

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Original oil painting A Walk with the Dog by Karen Tarlton

A Walk with the Dog
A brand new peaceful and colorful landscape.
I did a few commissions like this for holiday commissions and
wanted one to hang for awhile.

This is the time of year when we all need to count our blessings.
Think about what we can do to help others,
and above all don't take a second for granted!
It all goes by in a blink, remember moments like these with a smile :)

Monday, December 3, 2012

Original oil painting My Sweet Angel by Karen Tarlton

My Sweet Angel

A brand new little angel inspired by my daughters.
Anybody with a little girl may understand why I love to paint these
little sweethearts.

I just got back from a speedy east coast trip,
out to see some great universities our youngest daughter hopes to attend.
Soon I'll be an empty nester, as our other daughter is
already off to university.
It's a good thing I have painting which I love that keeps me busy and out of trouble,
but I betcha I'll still be a mess with missing her.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Original oil painting Night City Rain palette knife impressionism by Karen Tarlton

Night City Rain
A brand new glowy, textural palette knife work.
It's raining in California today so this one seems appropriate.
It's just about dry but the yellow colors always seem to take a couple extra days.

I am  so happy to have painted so many of my collectors holiday gifts in November.
Thanks to all and it's been my pleasure.
Many are shipped off and some are on the drying racks curing and will go off next week.
I hope you all have time to email some photos of the works hanging in happy homes, I always love to see it!