Saturday, September 29, 2012

Morning Radiance Original oil painting by Karen


Morning Radiance

A brand new California inspiration.
Serene but this one lights up a room!
Layers of light and layers of luminous oil to generate glow.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Original oil painting Winter Poetry by Karen

First Snow of Winter

As I sit here in South Bay in my shorts and flip flops, I think about the beautiful blizzards of winter.
I grew up near Lake Tahoe in Northern California where winter was a magical time!
We used to hike up Mt. Rose in the snow with the dogs, and I think it was on this quiet mountain,
in the pristine powder, that I learned to love the colors of winter and the beauty of the snow.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Pumpkins and Rainy Embrace by Karen Tarlton


SOLD to one of my favorite collectors!

Fall Pumpkins

Love autumn colors so I used lots of my
favorite Cadmium yellows and oranges,
reds and peachy colors for lots of depth.
It does seem to be be cooler today
Maybe I'm just ready for October.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Palette knife Equine Pony fine art original oil painting by Karen

Pony Dance

A close up of his eye

I use a restricted palette on this lovely horse portrait.
Avoiding too many colors, I try to romance each color I do use by
learning its nuance and playing with its chroma value and placement, 
for a bit of simplicity and simple elegance.

My intent with this horse painting is to draw emotion
Horses are amazing animals
and remind us to be kind, generous and live each day to the fullest.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Original oil painting September Romance by Karen

September Romance

I can't wait for Fall.
Golds and Brilliant Crimson
So quiet you can hear
the Rustle of the Leaves

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Tuscany Spring Original oil painting by Karen Tarlton

Spring Romance commission

Doorway to Italy

The Doorway is inviting and welcoming
Roses all about
lavender by doorway
and a cool breeze through the window,
Summer in Italy.

 No I'm not in Italy right now....just dreaming and remembering.....
I loved hiking up here to the top of Ravello
1000 steps up.  And Positano is remarkable too.

Often the best paintings are made from dreamy memories!

Of such a lovely place and a lovely day.

I'm busy with a few more Italy inspired paintings this week.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Barnyard Animals original oil paintings by Karen


Rooster is yet available
but the first 2 are recently sold

Remember when you were young and you openend a brand new box of crayons?  I used to love the smell of the fresh pack and cherished the moment when the crayons were yet pristine, unbroken, and all in neat little rows.
I still feel that way everytime I open a new tube of oil paint. Can't wait to squeeze a big dollop on my palette and begin dragging and swirling my knife with the rich, creamy oil.
 I think art keeps us young at heart. Maybe that's why my work seems to get more and more whimsical with each passing year. I actually am getting older though  :)

All of these are sized 12x12
And a sweet plein air black frame is available for an additional cost.
  The possibilities of what you could do with that box of color seemed limitless. 

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Paris Flowers and Rain original oil paintings by Karen Tarlton

 Paris Flowers
Paris Twilight Rain

Lovely Paris....
Always magical and painting it brings back memories.
It is 
with great joy
 that I painted France
 all gussied up
 in her favorite shade of Periwinkle blue
 and Flowers
filled to the rim
with her red umbrella.

Two new Paris works!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Horses original oil paintings by Karen Tarlton

 Powerful Three

These three look like they're on a mission.
Purpose in their eyes!

Colorful Horse

Working on a few larger Wild Mustang paintings this week
and a few commissions.

I can't seem to paint an animal with a boring hue
They must have COLOR and personality 

Always an inspiration, this amazing animal.
These two are my latest with my favorite blues and reds.

Monday, September 10, 2012

All Aglow with Sunflowers original oil paintings by Karen Tarlton

 Sunflower Glow

Brilliant Sunflowers

Delightful, cheery flowers. I'm already thinking of great gift size paintings for yes.....holidays!
Even though we are still sweltering in this heat wave
I'm excited about breaking out those sweaters and jeans.

I need to paint these lovelies while they're still blooming so keep checking back for more from my floral addiction!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Bouquet of flowers and Texas Longhorn by Karen Tarlton

Garden Flowers

So you may have been noticing....I love flowers
As you may have also noticed, I love rosy shades of pink and periwinkle blue
 golds and lavenders.
Now that the Roses are blooming
It is nearly more than I can take
Trying to get my flower planting addiction in control but the 
most beautiful nursery is just a few blocks away and for me it's 
like a kid in a candy store!
Texas Longhorn

Love the rustic, Texas chic look in his eyes :)

Thanks to ya'll who are checking in early for your holiday commissions!
I appreciate the notice, and I especially love extra time to work on those big masterpieces.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Texas Bluebonnet paintings - Original oil by Karen Tarlton

Bluebonnet Dance

These two below were just finished and shipped for a collector
I am really happy with these Texas beauties!

 Sold on commission
Sold on commission

I love painting custom works for ya'll. Just remember, although it's only Sept, I get really
really bust around the end of Sept, Oct and Nov doing holiday commissions so please get yours in early!

Whew time is flying by! Football season is already here, school has started and summer is closing the door.
I look forward to Fall and all it brings. I'm already contemplating some new pumpkin paintings and colorful landscapes....yay!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Angels - Original oil paintings by Karen Tarlton


Colorful Angel

As always, my angels are inspired by our daughters, whom I call each, "Angel"
And truly they are my little angels.

Anyone with a little darling knows what I'm talking about.

These angels might represent our daughters, or even guardians, might be me, might be their grandmother,
neighbor or friend.
These are two colorful, moving new favorites!

"I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free." ~ Michelangelo