Friday, August 31, 2012

City Rain Romance paintings by Karen Tarlton

 Two brand new Rainy paintings sized 16x20

The first is filled with bold color throughout the painting and the second is muted softly so the focus is upon the couple, specifically the red umbrella.
Rain, rain, the poor south is flooding right now.
This storm's been on my mind hence rainy scenes.
I do love a little soft downpour.
Especially with an arm pulling you close and keeping you warm right?

Monday, August 27, 2012

Owls and Angels palette knife paintings by Karen Tarlton

Spotted Owl

These are a few of my favorite things
In my favorite shades of blue and gold.

My Little Angel

She's a bit wet so I'll wait some before I list.
Just a preview sneak peak!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Evening Sailing Original oil painting by Karen Tarlton

 We rode our bikes to the beach today to watch the volleyball open. Such amazing athletes.
Inspiring and so much fun to watch. The beach was beautiful too. Lots of swimmers, paddle boarders and boats. More ocean works to come for sure!
Evening Sailing

My favorite color combinations used in this one.
 The sky is aglow and lighting up the water.
Ahh......the end of Summer

Friday, August 24, 2012

Original oil painting Paris Romance by Karen Tarlton

Paris Romance


Once upon a time on vacation
Escaping from everyday life.
once again, 
how to Love
How to take in the world.

Relax and put yourself in this place,  
Feel the quiet Rain
Smell the fresh cafe au lait,
and the ambience of the Left Bank
And remember 

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Brand new Fall Romance original oil paintings by Karen Tarlton

 Two brand new 20x24 Fall Romance landscapes listing soon!

Both of these scenes were painted in the last month and the paint is so thick I've just been waiting for it to dry to post.
I feel like Fall is on the way and the temp is just starting to drop a bit.
The coming days will be filled with light, color and romance!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Cowboy Boots Original oil painting by Karen Tarlton

Blue Cowboy Boots

I got the thumbs up on this one from my daughter. That means it's really good! 

Those of you that know me know I love shoes and boots are my favorite. I Love them and deemed them perfect models.  

They strike a pose well

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Poppies in the Wind by Karen Tarlton

Poppies in the Wind

This is a large and vibrant painting with many layers of rich oil applied with knife. I don't use a brush anymore with most of my paintings. The knife is much more forgiving and the one little knife can accomplish more than a dozen brushes. I love to apply the paint thick in spots so it sometimes takes a bit of time to dry, but the great texture is worth the wait!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

California Bear original oil painting by Karen Tarlton

Colorful CAL Bear

My daughter goes back to college at CAL tomorrow so here's a lovely bear painted in her honor.
Busy painting, packing and driving kids around today.
Thing will calm down now that school's about to start and summer's coming to an end.
I love the Fall....can't wait for some cooler weather!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Nobel Elephant original oil painting by Karen Tarlton

Noble Elephant

Ok, I love this painting and I love this animal. Truly the more I learn about elephants the more interested I become.
Did you know elephants have a means of communication? Low rumbling that we can't hear but they do and understand.
Did you know they have a MATRIARCHAL society?
That's truly something.

I'm loving my radiant background color on this Mama elephant. I think it really sets off her eyes.
What do you think?

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Iris Garden custom commission by Karen

Custom painting

Just recently finished this painting for a collector. 
I love how it turned out and will be painting some more Iris garden paintings for sure.
This new large canvas is wonderful for this painting and the sides are painted
so it really doesn't need a frame.

 Free Spirit
This painting is available for purchase.
Just click on the image for more information.

I love wild horses.
Love their spirit, power and energy.
They have always been an inspiration for me and I love to paint them.

Mara asked for my help so I donated a smaller oil painting to her film
Below is a link:

Please click on the link above to view Mara's site if you wish to help out.
I've donated a Mustang painting to her cause.

Friday, August 10, 2012

6x6 Rooster and Flower paintings by Karen

 Regal Rooster Dance

 I just shipped the last two little 6x6 roosters off to a collector!
I'm enjoying painting these litte gems and more are on the way.
Let me know if you have any suggestions for new small works.
I always love to hear your ideas ;)

Spring Flowers

When I paint or draw

I keep my mind’s thought-garden 

Completely free of self-doubt-weeds.

The Artist in me has three  
Faithful, sleepless    
And self-giving friends:
A newness-eye, a oneness-heart
And a fulness-life.
The heart of my Art      
And the heart of a child
Are extremely fond of each other.
They love each other deeply;
They need each other constantly;
They are interdependent, sleepless

              ~Sri Chinmoy


Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Senanque Abbey Lavender Field, Provence France by Karen Tarlton

Title: Senanque Abbey Lavender Field, Provence France
Size: 20x24
Click on image for price and purchase information

France! Beauty everywhere....... and this place smells lovely too.

"I see my path, but I don't know where it leads. Not knowing where I'm going is what inspires me to travel it."
~Rosalia de Castro

My heart is there.....France! Often times, journeys of the heart are some of the best trips we take: Painted from photos of past travels, this original oil depicts the most beautiful place to see Provence lavender - the Senanque Abbey, a Cistercian abbey near the village of Gordes.

Some people see something lovely and want to take a picture and just enjoy gazing at it.
When I see something beautiful, I say to myself, "I have to paint that"
 My instinct is to paint it immediately, right away and that is why I fell in love with plein air painting.

Not much time to paint when traveling, there's too much to see! I've learned to be patient and store the images in the back of my mind until I'm ready to load up my palette with large amounts of paint and dive into it with my trusty little knife.
This one was painted in the studio and is just dry!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Beach paintings by Karen Tarlton

Beach Love Custom Painting 
The ocean is always an inspiration!
Painted and photographed yesterday.......

SURF'S UP!  Three waiting for the right wave.
Now that we live on the California Coast, we get lots of company and we love it!
My daughters and a friend surfing yesterday.
 Here's my youngest above.....I still remember the days I painted below :)

Beach Babes with Bucket

Thursday, August 2, 2012

"Whooooo are You" Original oil OWL palette knife painting by Karen Tarlton

A great bird! Whimsical and colorful.....makes me smile.
I hope the joy I have painting these shows in this one.
I love owls and hope this one finds a good home soon.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Original oil Apples palette knife still life painting by Karen Tarlton

Lovely Green Apples

Luscious coral colors and peach hues play wonderfully with yellow greens I think. I picked these two models from my neighbor's yard and need to bake her a little pie in gratitude. So many tart, delicious apples! They make great models too....can hold a pose.