Monday, July 30, 2012

Beach Sunset Romance by Karen Tarlton

Beach Sunset Romance

For the LOVE of beaches, sunsets and romance.....I painted this last week and it's just dry!
Lots of my favorite blues and pops of gold highlight are one of my favorite combinations.
There's something magical about a beach a sunset, especially if you're arm in arm with the one you adore.
Love this one!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Windswept Dancer by Karen Tarlton

Windswept Dancer

"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art."

- Andy Warhol

Painting for me is quite a passion and I enjoy to paint from inspirational music, experiences, and travels. Every so often people inspire me too!
I was listening to some of my favorite classical and before I could stop myself she started to dance on the canvas.
Hope you enjoy!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Dance of the Hummingbirds by Karen Tarlton

Dance of the Hummingbirds

Living here in Southern California, we have a lot of hummingbirds!
I'm starting to plant flowers that they are interested in so they visit daily.
The three that visit me travel together. I'm not sure why there are three but I love their daily jaunts about the garden!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Pears and contemporary Fruit paintings by Karen

 Tutti Frutti

Dancing Pears

A favorite food and painting model. They are always so cooperative and can hold a pose for a long time! These make great gifts for the pear collector or new kitchen art.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Lake Como Sailing by Karen Tarlton

 Lake Como Sailing
Inspired by our trip to Italy last summer, I was awestruck by the beauty of Italy and this amazing lake. Seeing this brilliant blue water, with its reflective villas and boats in the sun, just made me feel happy and I wanted you to experience that joy, too. In person “Lake Como Sailing” practically leaps off the canvas with its vibrant palette knife strokes and extremely thick three-dimensional paint.

"I see my path, but I don't know where it leads.  Not knowing where I'm going is what inspires me to travel it." 
                                                                                                                                    ~Rosalia de Castro

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Paris Rainy Reflections by Karen Tarlton Original oil painting

Certain places bring a smile to my heart every time I think of it, or paint it.  Paris is one of them! 
Paris Rainy Reflections

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Bellagio Lake Como Italy by Karen Tarlton

Bellagio Lake Como Italy

I'm in southern California now and it reminds me so much of Italy when I'm at the beach. The same plants grow here and there's lots of Italian architecture. 

Sail boats and shuttered windows
Fresh Breeze blowing
 Clay rooftops and Sunflowers
My kind of street :)

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Poppy Dance by Karen Tarlton

Poppy Dance

Brand new floral. Love RED in a painting and in my garden. :)

Finished with my gardening for now.
I'll be painting some brand new beach scenes this week!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Hydrangeas in oil by Karen Tarlton


Brand new and listing soon.

A favorite flower all dressed in blue. Thick impressionistic impasto flowers. This original oil has a unique combination of color, texture, and form.
I planted these in my garden almost as soon as we moved into our new house.
I hope they flourish, grow and bloom big!
I couldn't wait to paint them.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Beach time and Poppy Fields by Karen

Poppy Fields

Whether it's the glow of  the sun on the field
or the vines growing in the old stone building, ...
it's all good.  
It's all Italy!!!

After painting today we took a little break!

 Sitting on the beach chairs
watching the setting sun
holding hands and reminiscing
how it all begun 

Our lives are so crazy busy,
We actually forgot that it was our 23rd wedding anniversary last week!
It's ok we'll celebrate today instead.
 Being a bit of a workaholic
Sometimes I have to be reminded by my husband seated in the above photo.....

Pause to go out for a breath of fresh air.
Remember to stop and smell the roses
Take time to walk Barefoot in the Sand...

 We took a break from the hectic business of moving into a new place.
The pace of everything we do is sometimes overwhelming and there's nothing like a bit of 
BEACH TIME  to put life in perspective!
(Ok just an hour or two but we needed it)

Painting this guy tomorrow I think...

Monday, July 16, 2012

Rain Girl in Red by Karen Tarlton

Rain Girl in Red

"I think it's going to be a pretty good day. Oh, wait. It already is." Brooks Palmer
For those of you who don't know me well, I thought I would give you an update:

Well.....I'm an artist, a mother, a wife, a gardener, a daughter, an organizer, a sister, a traveler, a scuba diver, an animal lover, a flower collector, a home body, a decorator, a blogger, and a coffee lover, chocolate fanatic!
I do love to paint and so of all my activities, this I do everyday, for some 20 years now.

We recently moved so the paintings I'm listing now are all brand new and still wet!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Path to the Sea by Karen Tarlton

Path to the Sea

Just moved near the ocean in California so landscapes with water inspire me!
This one is still a bit wet but should be dry soon.
Busy lately...still working on finishing touches of moving into a new, washing windows, placing everything just so. 
My studio if finished though and has lots of light!!!!
Hummingbird feeders are up and I have Rosemary by the doorway, and Lavender in the garden, so all is well.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Lake Como Italy Reflections by Karen Tarlton

Lake Como Reflection

Love this place, Lake Como. It's so inspiring.
Until I can go back I am painting it every once in awhile and then at least I'm there in my mind for awhile!

I went in search of a special place---Italy...... I have long held in my mind's eye.

It's a place I can be instantly a part of and feel part of the timeless beauty.

A place that would quench my thirst for shuttered windows, Olive trees and Sunflowers,  and magical waters.

More to come!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Rooster - palette knife fine art modern impressionism by Karen

Strutting Rooster

This painting and many others are on sale now for July only!
Having a studio clearout, post moving, Christmas in July sale so don't miss out.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Poppy Field Forever by Karen Tarlton - Original oil painting


It is 
with great pleasure
 that I painted red poppies
 dressed up
 in my favorite smock
 with a flower tucked
 just so
 behind my ear.

  We just moved to our new home and the first thing I did after we finished unpacking is....... 
PAINT a few new paintings.
The second thing was go to the beach.
And the third thing was begin planting in my garden!

The bed above has the brand new hydrangeas I hope get big one day.
 This is the beginning of the hummingbird garden.

 This is the brand new herb  garden!

And the Italian inspired path.....California and Italian seem to go together nicely don't you think?

Today's painting! I finished it after I finished working in the yard. I think I need to add much more red to my garden to attract more hummingbirds.  Maybe next week.
This painting is still very wet so won't list for awhile, but contact me if you are interested.
Poppy Field Forever

Monday, July 9, 2012

Original oil painting equine art and hummingbird palette knife 6x6

Two brand new 6x6 inch paintings!
These look great in a grouping or in any small space.

I saw another a hummingbird today while I was trimming the salvia plant our new garden that has grown unruly. Always a good omen a hummingbird. I hesitated cutting the blossoms because the bird loves them but the bush was too large.
I bought tomatoes, strawberries, peas, peppers, a bunch of herbs and even a rasberry plant and I'll take some photos when I get them in the ground tomorrow.
I'm so excited about finally having a a spot to grow some vegies!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Wild Horses - Original oil painting by Karen Tarlton

Wild Horses

Brand new colorful, whimsical equine art.
I love my new studio and have been so busy painting and unpacking and organizing this last week.
I'm glad to say I'm finally finished. Curtains hung, canvas put away and paints all organized and within reach.

I'll be listing some brand new still wet paintings soon, but this one is dry!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Angel of Celebration - Original oil painting by Karen

Angel of Celebration

Happy July 4th!
Celebrating today with friends and family!
This new angel is dry and ready to ship.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Original oil painting "Sunset Harbor Boat" by Karen

Sunset Harbor Boat

Art is the only way to run away without leaving home. ~Twyla Tharp
I'm loving my new beach town here in Southern California and here is my first beach inspired painting I started the minute I saw the beach at sunset.
It's a beautiful site and there will be many more beach inspired paintings I assure you!
Love the water, especially at sunset.
Hope you enjoy ;)

Sunday, July 1, 2012

New Orleans French Quarter Moon

Brand new cityscape ready to ship! This one was one of the last paintings I finished a few weeks ago before we moved and I just unpacked it and put it in my new studio with the others. 
It's so much work to move but worth it. Like major spring cleaning and I love my new studio space in our house...light bright and with large doors that open to the outside.
The weather here near the beach is perfect so I predict I'll be painting outside quite a bit,
and it's made moving into our new home a breeze.
I feel for all my friends in Arlington VA with the big storm out there right now!