Sunday, April 29, 2012

Harbor Boats at Sunrise
Sailboat Race by Early Light
In memory of our trip to Boston, where Mike ran the Marathon in 90 degree heat and 60% humidity....whew! He's tough. While he was doing that, I walked (not ran) down to the Charles River and watched the sailboats dance in the wind! I'm not much of a sailor. I get seasick quick, but I LOVE to watch them and to paint them in reflective light and delicious texture!

Friday, April 27, 2012

 Italy Autumn Vines
Tuscany Tapestry of Color

Always a favorite to go back to. Landscapes, especially vineyards were my passion when I started painting 25 years ago.  For at least 12 years I painted plein air about 3 days a week and rolling landscapes with sweeping views were the best. I was always looking for open sky with just the right light.  Now I rely much on memory and imagination. Traveling frequently and taking lots of photos helps a lot though. If you have a landscape photo from a favorite place I would love to see it!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

New Orleans Night Moon
Wow I've been busy lately. End of the year activities at my daughter's school, lots of company always visiting.....Vegas you know, and getting ready for a big move this summer!  I'm having a little surgery next month, so I'm trying to get ahead or at least caught up with all my commissions, and still have time to paint a few for me, or for you, to enjoy! Here is a new little favorite cityscape. It's a smaller version of a large oil painting I did awhile ago.
Love painting the colorful reflections!

Monday, April 23, 2012

 Wild Mustangs

Run with the Wind

To capture in paint the beauty and mystery of nature is a joy like no other I know, and painting these stories of the earth help me speak without words, the tale of the wild.
I hope you find inspiration n these new paintings.
Yesterday was my birthday and I celebrated another year and it was great to be with family.
I am so blessed to be surrounded by such wonderful people and lucky to get up every morning and paint for people all over the world. I love sending my work to you.
Thanks and I hope my work brings joy to someone everyday!

Saturday, April 21, 2012


One more favorite floral painting for Earth day and my birthday!! I LOVE this flower and have it growing in abundance in my garden at our house in Virginia. Delicate and colorful and blooms for quite awhile.
Spring Love Blooms

Just finished this lovely romance landscape and as it is my birthday tomorrow, this image helps remind me of all the blessings of life. My birthday always falls on Earthday, so I like to paint a seasonal landscape scene of spring that symbolizes all that is important: renewal, freedom, peace, and love. I sound like a 60's song, but there it is!
Hope it brings inspiration and joy!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

French Quarter Jazzy Rain Original oil painting by Karen Tarlton

French Quarter Jazzy Rain
Everyone has a memory from the city of New Orleans. Some wild and crazy, but always something memorable for sure. I like to paint this in reflective color and thick, expressive palette knife movements because the place has such spirit and energy! Hope you enjoy and it inspires you in some way.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Abstract Lion original oil painting by Karen Tarlton

Abstract Lion
The Lion in spirituality represents courage, power, dominion, triumph, and the strength of love. All that is wild and beautiful is worth painting!
It's very hot and humid here in Boston on Marathon day. Lots of runners had a tough time with the heat. People cramping up and lots people were given IVs and some didn't finish. Mike finished but was not a fan of this humid heat either! We can check this one of the list now, but I did have a great time visiting Boston. A great city!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Boston Travels and spring Romance Landscape original oil painting

Spring Love
This new painting will list soon....almost dry!
 It's a beautiful 70 degree day in Boston! I brought warm Vegas heat with me to the East coast.
Tomorrow will be even hotter.
 All the trees and flowers are in full bloom and it's so inspiring!
Love these rows of tulips. I'll paint them when I get back in one more day!
"Art is the unceasing effort to compete with the beauty of flowers - and never succeeding."
Gian Carlo Menotti

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Boston Marathon and many beautiful photos

 We have arrived in Boston! It was a long trip across the country from Las Vegas to Boston but what a great city! There are 27,000 people here to run the Marathon so it's full of athletes from all over the world. My superhero husband is ready to race!

My favorite part of the day was touring the historic Beacon Hill area and watching the boats sailing on the Charles River. It was a beautiful site!
Many new sailing paintings on the horizon. I'm already mentally painting.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Three Free Spirits original oil painting by Karen Tarlton

Three Wild and Free
This new work is SOLD but is now available in a 36x48 giclee on canvas!

Wild Horses:  speak of freedom, longing and tell stories of the earth.
They are nature at her most eloquent and the soul of the wild!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Original oil painting Provence Lavender by Karen Tarlton

Provence Lavender
This large original is one of my favorite lavender paintings, and I've painted quite a few! There's something special about a sunny day and the fragrant earthy smell of lavender that is hard to forget. Every once in awhile I break out an old photo from a past trip and when I start painting, I can almost smell it again!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Hummingbird Dance and Sunflower original oil paintings by Karen Tarlton

 Hummingbird Dance
Oh joy for Spring! I'm sorry but I'm a sap for flowers this time of year. We'll be moving again this summer so I'm trying to resist the urge to buy flowers and plant them. Instead I'll paint!
These new lovelies are new and just dry.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Two new angels by Karen Tarlton

Spring Angel
Guardian Angel
On this lovely Easter Sunday I'm offering two new angel oil paintings full of symbolism, whimsy and joy! Have a beautiful day with family and friends and enjoy the fellowship and joy that life brings each day!
Thanks to each of you that are inspired by my work. I hope it brings a smile!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Texas Hill Country Bluebonnets original oil painting by Karen Tarlton

Texas Hill Country Bluebonnets
 Always fun to paint a colorful field of flowers! Sunny and cheerful and reminds me of Summer, carefree days and quiet thoughtful moments.
Hope all my collectors are having a wonderful Spring, Easter and Passover week!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Finished commission original oil painting Romance landscape by Karen Tarlton

Tropical Breeze

It's spring break around here and I'm having a stay-cation this time around. Relaxing with my daughter, playing a little tennis and painting a lot! I love what I do so this is the perfect Spring break for me.  I do miss the sand beneath my feet though so I painted this lovely memory :)

I'm having a wonderful week painting commissions for all my wonderful collectors and here is a new one that I love and just shipped!
Sold Custom commission just finished for a collector!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Original oil palette knife paintings by Karen Tarlton

 Red Poppy
Summer Sunflowers
More mini masterpieces just finished!
I love painting these smaller works and they look so great together in a collection!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Colorful Lion palette knife fine art original oil painting by Karen Tarlton

Colorful Lion
This is the second painting in my new lion series! I'm loving painting this powerful and beautiful animal in brilliant thick oil and my fauvistic, impressionistic style.

Artists don't make objects. Artists make mythologies.
Anish Kapoor