Saturday, December 31, 2011

Original oil painting Nude Abstract Rhapsody by Karen Tarlton

Bold, expressive color and movement in this brand new work, painted to wrap up 2011 with brilliant color!
I wish a Happy New Year to all my friends near and far. May 2012 bring you health, serenity and light.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Original oil painting Violin Melody by Karen Tarlton

Violin Melody

I'm always inspired by musicians. I listen to jazz, classical, rock, and just about everything. Love it all and painting these whimsical figures is my vision of the music I suppose.
Every artist dips his brush in his own soul, and paints his own nature into his pictures. ~Henry Ward Beecher

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Original oil painting Luminous Peacock by Karen Tarlton

Luminous Peacock
"Artists who seek perfection in everything are those who cannot attain it in anything."
I believe this goes for many aspects of life. In painting, it took me many years to learn not to over work a piece. I like a loose, painterly look and so I don't "tighten" it all up but seek balance instead.
This bird is so inspiring! Bold, colorful and loud. I'm not really personally like this, but I like to think my work sings out very loud and clear!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Close up above and the painting below

I finished this one last week and it's just dry! One of my favorite paintings for sure. Must be all this holiday cheer!
I've been busy as an elf getting ready for company while finishing commissions and boxing up to ship in time for Christmas! I just finished decorating our tree with my daughters, and now it's time to cook, bake and enjoy family! Warm wishes for a wonderful Holiday!

Enjoy many new images at

Galleries: City Lights Gallery, Las Vegas, NV
The Arlington Arts Gallery, Arlington Virginia
Galerie Severn, New Orleans Louisiana
The Stonehenge Gallery, Montgomery Alabama, SAC's Gallery, Montgomery Alabama,
KR Designs, Fort Myers,FL

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Abstract Horses Original oil painting equine fine art by Karen Tarlton

“The best Christmas of all is the presence of a happy family all wrapped up with one another.”
 Hope your season is bright and full of the love of family and friends!

Abstract Horses
These two sweet little equine abstracts are now dry and available for purchase!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Wild Mustangs original equine fine art oil painting by Karen Tarlton

Wild Mustangs
I've painted this painting before in similiar color and composition and I really like. It's small enough to fit just about anywhere and looks great framed or not. 
Lot's of holiday baking going on around here with me daughter's off for winter break and the house smells delicious all day long! I love the smell of gingerbread baking. We just finished decorating and have our tree up. We always get a fresh cut tree and it's so much work but so much fun.  The whole house smells like fresh pine tree and cookies! Hope you are having a special week with your family as well!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Original oil painting Paris Eiffel Tower by Karen Tarlton

Eiffel Tower Abstract
I love the pulls and drags of some of my abstract palette knife works involving rain people and animals so I combined a bit of architecture into this one.
Blurred abstract lights and brilliant contrasting color bring a bit of city swank to the canvas, and add color and sophistication to this textural painting.
"Where the spirit does not work with the hand there is no art."
Leonardo da Vinci

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Original oil painting Amalfi Italy Coast by Karen Tarlton

Amalfi Coast

Inspiration for this painting....Italy and a trip to the Amalfi coast.
Over the years I am always inspired to further study the Fauves, and have a strong affinity for the 19th century French Post-Impressionists, Cezanne and Van Gogh.

Inspired by trips to Italy, I return when I can to renew my spirit and inspire my soul. I hope my works evoke emotion with opulence of light and distinctive color harmonies and textures.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Original oil painting Holiday Angel by Karen Tarlton

Holiday Angel
"Art is a collaboration between God and the artist, and the less the artist does the better." ~André Gide

I've been busy as an elf decorating and wrapping and shipping! Well and of course I've been busy painting! I love this festive angel and she's just dry. 
Bold and colorful to add light, drama and whimsical symbolism to the space. 
Our oldest daughter comes home from college tomorrow so we are so excited and feeling so blessed in our lives. She was the inspiration for this angel painting. Hope it brings a smile!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Original oil painting Eucalyptus Trees Landscape by Karen Tarlton

Morning Light
Inspiration: Trip to Santa Barbara

There are as many ways to paint as there are artists. I love palette knife painting, and each day when I paint, it starts with an idea - or an image in my mind, usually from memory.
I build a solid composition in thin paints and darker colors and then the fun begins!
Loading my palette thickly, I add brighter colors all about the canvas, and it begins to come to life!
With all creative work there are no hard and fast rules, and I believe that if an artist keeps that in mind and works from the heart, an enjoyable painting will appear. It may take many hundreds of paintings of practice of course, but all need to find their comfort zone and individual style. What if fun is good!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Original oil painting Birds and Blooms

Birds and Blooms
"I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination."
Albert Einstein

Loaded my knife thick with oil using vertical drags of rich blues and greens amongst brilliant rose colored blooms. I've been painting mostly winter scenes lately so here's a bit of Spring

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Fall Fly Fishing Original oil painting by Karen Tarlton

Available for purchase and one of my favorite fisherman paintings right now.  I enjoyed the play of warm and cool colors and the whole time I painted this I was remembering fishing with my Uncle whom I just adore!  He's a great fisherman.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Rain Girl in Pink Original oil painting by Karen Tarlton

 Rain Girl in Pink
"I am a walking piece of art every day, with my dreams and my ambitions forward at all times in an effort to inspire my fans to lead their life in that way."
Lady Gaga

Below is a photo of my darling cat that comes to visit everyday ( he's really not mine but wants to be)
I need to paint him don't you think?

Monday, December 5, 2011

Original oil painting Mama Whale and her Calf

Humpback Whales
A special painting with a story!
My husband and I used to scuba dive a lot when we were younger.  I actually started diving when I lived in American Samoa when I was 12.  We dove everywhere: Tahiti,Samoa,Hawaii,Mexico,Fiji, just to name a few.  My most memorable was this one.  I was the first one off the boat and as I swam down there they were, silent, still and amazing.  The power and beauty of these animals takes your breath away.  They looked right at me for the longest time, but probably just a minute.  As all the other divers started to approach I could hear underwater squeals of joy! The whales silently swam away and I really wanted to go with them!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

New York Rain fine art in oil by Karen Tarlton

Late Night New York Rain

Art is... a question mark in the minds of those who want to know what's happening. ~Aaron Howard

What a fantastic place NY is. I used to go every summer for the last 15 years but missed last summer since we are now on the west coast.  I miss it.  I miss the bustle and the energy you feel just walking down the street.  I love running in Central Park and going to a Broadway show.  I paint it rainy because there is such a glow after a fresh rain and a sense of renewal.  Mainly I love the color!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Karen Tarlton Original oil painting Christmas Angel

Christmas Angel 
A special painting for December and just in time for someone to get for Christmas!  My inspiration for my angel girls. I always think of my daughters when I paint these.  They are my angels and always in my heart and on my mind.  I hope she reminds you of someone you love and brings a little smile!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Original oil painting NIGHT SAILING abstract palette knife by Karen Tarlton

Night Sailing

I show my love in color in this one and lots of thick paint!  It's just about dry and ready to ship.  

The artist's world is limitless. It can be found anywhere, far from where he lives or a few feet away. It is always on his doorstep. ~Paul Strand