Thursday, September 30, 2010

Fall Romance

Title: Fall Romance
Medium: oil on stretched canvas
Size: 16 x20
"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined." --Henry David Thoreau
I am very much imagining a cool crisp fall right now! We are having another heat spell and our airconditioner broke again! I have to stop painting by noon when it get close to 95 degrees!!! Too hot!
This painting cools me down just looking at it:
I use lighter colors next to warm tones in thick paint to make the colors more vibrant. Lots of warm cad yellow to make it glow and a variety of different colors against eachother.
I hope you enjoy this colorful bit of Autumn!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Story of a Beauty in Red

Title: Story of a Beauty in Red
Size: 12 x 24
Medium: oil on stretched canvas
"The habit of giving only enhances the desire to give" --Walt Whitman
Walt was a wise man and we should all keep his words close to our hearts!
I had to paint a figure again! Every once in awhile I feel the overwhelming need to paint a beauty so here she is! The paint is very thick so it needs at least a week more to dry, but it will soon post to Etsy! Thanks for checking in! I hope you find a painting that speaks to you!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Lake Como Italy Summer

Title: Lake Como Italy Summer
Medium: oil on stretched canvas
Size: 16 x 20
"Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort." --Franklin D. Roosevelt
I am always dreaming about far away places that I've been to and loved. Maybe I'm a romantic and maybe I am an excapist, but I just love to travel! Italy is at the top of my list and this lake is beautiful. Painted extra thick, expressive and colorful...hope you enjoy!
Still wet.....going on all my sites soon! Can always contact me for purchase as well.
New 2011 Limited edition calendars available now!
I selected 13 of my favorite paintings this year to fill each page....priced at $48 delivered. Purchase on eBay, and Etsy or contact me.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Tropical Sunrise

Homecoming Dance for my oldest daughter......I almost cried! Isn't she lovely? Now you see why I like to paint beautiful women. I have been drawing my girls since they were born and they are perfect models!

Tropical Paradise
Medium: oil on stretched canvas
Size: 20 x 24
Still wet but soon on Etsy or eBay!
I guess I'm ready for a little vacation. I keep visualizing myself on a quiet beach with the sound of the surf and warm sand beneath my feet and a great book! Sounds like heaven to me!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Abstract Running Horses

Title: Abstract Running Horses
Size: 9 x 12
Medium: oil on stretched canvas
"Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up." --Pablo Picasso
This little painting is sized to fit just about anywhere, and has extreme texture and bold color. I hope to capture the energy and power of the three horses, by rendering them in this extremely impressionistic, almost fauvistic way. I hope you enjoy!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Abstract cow

Title: Abstract Colorful Cow
Size: 12 x 16
Medium: oil on stretched canvas
"The aim of art is to represtent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance." --Aristotle
I just couldn't resist painting this angelic little face! I tried painting him without too much color and actually started out by mixing some beautiful greys, but didn't like it. He just needed thick bold color to really make me smile! I hope you enjoy! I sure appreciate painting for all of you everyday, and love to get special requests. Don't be afraid to contact me with yours!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Autumn Glory

Title: Autumn Glory
Size: 24 x 30
Medium: oil on stretched canvas
"One can have no smaller or greater mastery than mastery of oneself."--Leonardo da Vinci
This large painting is available for purchase on Karensfineart Etsy store!
Loaded with rich expensive and saturated oil colors....only the best, and it makes the room with pops of bold red, deep green, gold and blue. Like a song of the seasons, I put in all my favorite and earth into one piece. Hope you enjoy!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Downhill Racer

Title: Downhill Racer
Size: 12 x 16
Medium: oil on stretched canvas
"I dream a lot. I do more painting when I'm not painting. It's in the subconscious." -- Andrew Wyeth
This painting has lots of thick palette knife paint and great movement and texture......ready for some cooler weather to head this way I guess.

We had another very hot day in Vegas and I had to paint some snow. My husband and I grew up near Tahoe skiing frequently. I used to love it when I was young and loved to go fast. My husband was actually on the Junior Olympic Ski team when I met him. I used to watch him ski in awe. Watching a great skier is something like watching a great ballerina. It looks effortless, graceful, and fast.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Evening Regatta

Title: Evening Regatta
Size: 20 x 24
Medium: oil
"Art is the only way to run away without leaving home" --Twyla Tharp
I love sailing are rythmic, graceful and classic, and so much fun to paint with reflective waters, extra thick with palette knife! I don't like to sail, however, I get very motion sick, unfortunately. But I have sailed and the brief moments before nausea set in were great! Since I can't do it, I paint it, and imagine! Hope you enjoy and it takes you somewhere too!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Rain Dance

Title: Colors of Night City Rain
Size: 12 x 16
Medium: oil on stretched canvas

Title: Rain Dance
Size: 12 x 16
Medium: oil on stretched canvas
I am loving painting these lovely rainy moments by knife! Thick buttery texture and lots of expression and movement! I do hope they make you smile!
This is an email I recently received from a collector. I loved it and just have to share!.....
I just wanted to tell you I am a huge fan of your art! I purchased a few of your paintings several months ago to showcase in my office (I am a physician). My walls are covered with the work of several artists, but none garner as much attention as 2 of your rooster paintings. Today a patient said she had to know who the artist was. She said, “Did you pay more than 10 thousand per painting?” She said, "I can maybe go that high." She followed up with "you paid more didn't you... Did you pay 30 thousand or more?" All I could do was laugh and tell her that your beautiful work was more than reasonable. I then did what I have done to other patients on numerous occasions, I provided your info on Ebay. If I were a snob, I would make others believe I spent fortunes on your work. In truth, to me, your work is priceless. Your paintings give me a smile each and every day I come to work.

ABOVE WORKS available in my recently opened Etsy store!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Three Perfect Roses

Title: Three Perfect Roses
Size: 16 x 12
Medium: oil
"I would like to paint the way a bird sings."---- Claude Monet
I painted this one extra, extra thick! Got a bit carried away but I love how it turned out and hope you do too. Looks great in a black or gold frame, but sides are painted so it can hang as is!
Homecoming is next weekend and around here it's a big deal. The boys think of the cutest ways to ask the girls to the homecoming dance. A few days ago the doorbell rang and when I opened the door, I saw ..."Will you go to HC with me?" spelled out in rose petals for my daughter. He also put a dozen roses around in sort of a heart shape. I think I was more excited than she was! Isn't that the sweetest thing?

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Italy Chianti Vineyard Fall Glow

A photo from my last Italy trip. This is Musella Vineyard in Northern Italy. Of course it wasn't fall and I am a big fan of Fall color, so I embellished my painting and bathed it in color!

Title: Italy Chianti Vineyard Fall Glow
Size: 20 x 24
Medium: oil on stretched canvas

"Every artist dips his brush in his soul, and paints his own nature into his pictures." -- Henry Ward Beecher

I enjoy painting a vineyard landscape every once in awhile with lots of texture. The cad reds look great against all the greens and ochre colors and since I sold my last favorite vineyard painting, I really wanted another! I hope you enjoy it too!

I love getting letters and emails from all of you that appreciate and collect my work and just wanted to thank you for the kind words! I love to paint and am humbled to hang in your homes and offices!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Tuscany Poppyfield Tapestry of Color


Title: Tuscany Poppy Field Tapestry of Color
Size: 20 x 24
Medium: Oil on stretched canvas

"A good artist has less time than ideas."

I certainly feel this quote! I have so many ideas in my head which I want to paint, that the only real calm I feel is while painting one of them!

This painting is currently available on Etsy and is stunning in person. I hope you have a chance to take a look at the close ups and amazingly thick textures. Many layers of paint and drying time imbetween are carefully applied here to generate this impressionistic, painterly piece! I am loving painting these sunny Italian landscapes and I hope you enjoy it too!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Wild Mustang Horses

Title: Wild Mustang Horses
Size: 24 x 30
Medium: oil on stretched canvas

"I begin with an idea, then it becomes something else." Pablo Picasso

Often when I paint, I start out with abstract colors and shapes and soon something begins to emerge. Like a child whom sees animals in the clouds, I saw these horses within the abstract pulls and drags of vivid oils and then draw them out with loaded palette knife. Pure energy and joy!

This is the time of year when I love to paint commissions for people and art makes the very best gift. If you have a personal painting in mind, I would be honored to paint for you!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Aspen Stand Radiance

Title: Aspen Stand Radiance
Size: 16 x 20
Medium: oil on stretched canvas
contact me for purchase info!

"No amount of skillful invention can replace the essential element of imagination." Edward Hopper

Painting: I have so much paint layered on this one that it is very touchable art. You have to feel it to appreciate it! I used lots of memory and imagination on this landscape....a true labor of love. I hope you enjoy it!

Title: Paris Ladies in the Rain
20 x 24 oil on stretched canvas
This painting is SOLD already..... before it is even dry! Hope it makes you smile! Thanks for checking in!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Portofino Italy Harbor

Title: Portofino Italy Harbor
Size: 20 x 24
Medium: oil on stretched canvas

"Color is my day long obsession, joy and torment." Claude Monet
"To be an artist is to believe in life." Henry Moore


This new large oil is all about texture and color. Radiating with optimism, the vibrant palette and serene composition is an irresisible combination.
This is very thickly applied with many layers and these high quality oils are buttery and luminous. A joy to paint! Thanks for checking in and hope you see more of my work in my new Etsy store!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Energy Abstract

Title: Energy
Size: 20 x 24
Medium: oil on stretched canvas
Great quote of the day: "The happiest people don't have everything, they just make the best of everything they have".

This painting is at once turbulent seas, evocative of nature rendered with sweeping washes that make the most of the white canvas. I was going from the gut, referring only to my perceptions of nature...things that are rough, smooth, fragmented etc...laying the paint down continually onto the canvas in swirls, and drags. This is one of the few abstracts that I continue to enjoy the longer I look at it! The deep texture is totally touchable!

The Red Dress
oil on stretched canvas
12 x 16
Super thick palette oil......I guess I'm missing the weather!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Abstract Animals

Title: Abstract Dairy Cow
Size: 12 x 16
Medium: oil on stretched canvas

"The object of art is not to reproduce reality, but to create a reality of the same intensity." Alberto Giocometti

Sold Title: Abstract Wild Horses
Size: 12 x 16
Medium: oil on stretched canvas

"Art is not what you see, but what you make others see." Edgar Degas

I love painting fauvistic colorful animals. I think the energy and emotion is so much stronger when many layers of color and movement are present. There are several layers of paint on both of these paintings so they have amazing texture and are truly unique!

Hope they make you smile!!!!