Friday, July 30, 2010

Tuscany Dreaming

Title: Tuscany Dreaming
Size: 20 x 24
Medium: oil on stretched canvas

This painting is SOLD

One of my Italy favorites! Filled with color and detail...I used all my favorite umber colors, which set off the brilliant blue shutters perfectly. Terra cotta pots overflowing with flowers on a sunny day! I hope you enjoy this piece of Tuscany!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Big Bad Rooster and Aspen Lined Path

Title: Aspen Lined Path in Morning Light
Size: 12 x 24
Medium: oil on stretched canvas


When we moved across the country we stopped at my Uncle's house a few days up in the most beautiful mountain town...Evergreen. Beautiful Aspens surrounded my uncle's house, a stand of Aspens, they are called, when in a cluster. I love the way the leaves shimmer in the light when there is light breeze and the sculptural quality of the bark and trunk. I hope you enjoy this one!

Title:Big Bad Barnyard Bird
Size: LARGE...20 x 24
Medium: oil on stretched canvas
I couldn't resist painting another colorful bird! Larger for more impact. Very thick and chunky, impasto rich and dynamic. I hope he makes you smile!

I'm trying to teach my teenage daughter to drive on the freeways here and it is soooo stressful. I think some people are natural drivers and some just are not meant to ever do it. I wish I could get her a driver, like in "Driving Miss Daisy", for the rest of her life!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Lake Como Italy Reflections

Whenever I wish I were there...I paint another Lake Como scene. Bellagio is the most wonderful little lake town...just utopia.

Title: Lake Como Italy Reflections
Size: 9 x 12
Medium: oil on stretched canvas
One of my favorite scenes....a secret little cove off the beaten bath of tourists that I found while hiking around the lake in Bellagio. It's quiet and beautiful with still boats and reflective sunlit color. I painted it extra thick and smaller for my collectors that are running out of room for more paintings! It's so small it can even go on a table top easle, or can be framed for more impact!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Monmartre Paris Memories

Place du Tertre in the rain! Loved it!
An inspiring place to visit. I love this artsy and historic courtyard filled with artists and great restaurants and coffee shops. Even in the rain is was exciting. The Sacre Coeur in the background is beautiful and when we walked through the choir was singing so it was absolutely magical.


Title: Monmartre, Paris Memories
Size: 16 x 20
Medium: oil on stretched canvas
Loaded with "joie de vivre"! This painting is already on auction and has lots of great impressionistic detail. I hope you click to enlarge and see the auction for more!
This is one of my favorite Paris paintings and places!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Las Vegas Strip Abstract

Title: Las Vegas Strip Abstract
Size: 12 x 24
Medium: oil on stretched canvas

This painting is SOLD

Here is an extra thick palette knife night scene from our new home. A crazy place to live right? Military life takes us to all kinds of places. Fun, bold and dramatic! Viva Las Vegas Baby!

Everybody's pushing Christmas in July and I can see that retail has been hit hard. I feel the pinch too, BUT I continue to paint because I love to paint and paint to live! Thanks for checking in!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Red Umbrella

Title: Red Umbrella
size: 12 x 16
Medium: oil on stretched canvas
Focal point on this painting is the red, of course the red umbrella and woman. Contrast is so exciting in a painting and I painted this one extra thick with impasto texture for extra drama and impact.
Wonderful day is good when the air is cool. I'm loving this studio with all the window light and space. I think of Virginia and my friends there often and this painting is a reflection of memories there.
going on auction tonight....thanks for stopping by!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Abstract Horses Running Wild


Title: Abstract Horses Running Wild
Size: 16 x 20
Medium: oil on stretched canvas
Wonderful colors and thick oils in deep reds, blues and golds. The horses move and emerge from the abstract strokes and sweeps on motion with oil.
Today: Busy with my daughters back from camp. We painted their rooms lovely shades of deep blue/grey. The rooms look fantastic but we are exhausted!!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Poetry in Motion

Title: Poetry in Motion
Size: 12 x 24
Medium: oil on stretched canvas

I love this one. I'm really enjoying combining my classical training with a modern edge and incorporating a poem into the background gives it such dimension and an added creative touch. I believe it is a unique painting unlike any other and worth so much more than my auction price! It will go to some lucky collector I am sure of it!

A little gem....a Venice Window detail.....see it on auction now. It's a close intimate detail of Venice. The window!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Venice Evening Glow

Here is photo of our lovely daughters in front of a quiet canal from our trip to Venice last summer. We love Venice!

Title: Venice Evening glow

Size: 20 x 24

Medium: oil on stretched canvas


This original has at least four layers of paint and lots of beautiful broken color and texture. I used contrasts of colors to bring glowing light and reflection to the water and buildings. One of my favorite Venice paintings!

A beautiful and unique city. I love painting Venice almost as much as visiting it. It has to be the most romantic city in the world. If you go, you must walk or take a gondola, to a quiet part of the city, where there are only locals and no tourists. Here it is peaceful and quiet and you can really feel the city and absorb the history. Wonderful!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Bad Barnyard Bird

Title: Bad Barnyard Bird
Size: 9 x 12
Medium: oil on stretched canvas
Rich thick oil...painted thick and expressive as I do when feeling energized! This hot little bird has a bit of attitude too.
I've been getting up extra early to paint before it gets too hot in my studio. Air conditioner is still broken and we're still having a heat wave!! Hot, hot, hot!
You'll be seeing paintings in all sizes. I have to continue to experiment and paint variety so I don't stagnate and I always enjoy painting lively new scenes so do keep checking in for more HOT new paintings!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Playing in the Sand

Title: Playing in the Sand ...................SOLD
Size: 16 x 20
Medium: oil on stretched canvas
It is so hot that I am really missing the breeze at the beach. Some of my favorite memories as a child and with my own children are beach memories. This painting is rich with great textures from both knife and brush and I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed painting it!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Golden Sunflowers

Title: Golden Sunflowers
Size: 9 x 12
Medium: oil on stretched canvas
These beauties are soaking up the sun! This original oil was painted on a hot summer day and photographed the same day so excuse the glare. These flowers are drenched in sunshine and bursting with color and texture. Looks wonderful in person and is ready to hang on a nail. See auction tonight for more detail!
.....a sizzling 112 degrees again today!!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Fall Stroll

Title: Fall Stroll
Size: 12 x 24
Medium: oil on stretched canvas
goes on auction tonight!
It's an oven in Vegas today....I think 112 in the shade so I'm fantasizing about cooler months to come with this oil painting. Richly textured and at least 5 layers of paint make this a focal point to any room. I used both palette knife and brush for extra depth and interesting textures.
I got up as early as possible to go on a little jog in the morning with Maggie my dog. She doesn't last long, just a few miles, and I'm at about that tolerance so we're a good pair. Now we're both dog tired!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Dance of the Poppies


Title: The Dance of the Poppies
Size: 18 x 24
Medium: oil on stretched canvas

I love this expressive, textured floral because if seems to move and gives a real sense of wind and outdoor air and light. Thick paint with lots of cad reds and bits of teal blue.
Settling into my new space in Vegas. I do like the desert but this 110 degrees is bit much. I have a nice cool studio with fantastic light so I can't complain. I'm thinking I need to paint some of these beautiful desert skies too....real soon!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Race II

Title: The Race II
Size: 18 x 24
Medium: oil on stretched canvas
An expressive palette knife abstract impressionistic painting. It's part of a series of new abstracts. I'm painting both animals and rainy scenes in rich thick pulls and drags of vivid colors. There is nothing easy about creating this painting but it is pure joy to paint from the heart in this way. I enjoy painting in the traditional classical style as well but would quickly become bored of painting just with a brush. I love the bursts of energy and color and the way the horses seem to explode from the canvas. I hope you enjoy it too.
INSPIRATION: Hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Bountiful Roses

Title: Bountiful Roses
Size: 20 x 24
Medium: oil on stretched canvas
Going on auction tonight.
This original oil is painted with many layers. First brush then knife, then when dry more brush and knife work until I reach a glowing and richly textured look. The layers are translucent and each plays into the next for beautiful depth.
Our 21st wedding anniversary was July 8 and we were so busy unpacking from our big move across the country that I forgot. It wasn't until I saw a dozen orange/red roses and a bottle of wine on the table, with a tear jerking love letter from my husband, that I remembered the day. He never does forget. Roses are my favorite and he knows it. So here they are!
Thanks for checking in!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Abstract Wild Running Horses


Title: Abstract Wild Running Horses
Size: 24 x 30
Medium: oil on stretched canvas
This oil is painted extra thick and textured in bold expressive multilayed palette knife work. I used a lot of very expensive paint on this piece and it really shows beautifully. Click to enlarge to see all the beautiful broken color. More equine and other animal art to come this month, as well as more beach paintings and landscapes and Florals!
I finished my favorite part of unpacking and moving into a new house.....hanging artwork! It's so much fun to hang a painting in just the right space and watch it make the room complete!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Tuscany Flowers

Title: Tuscany Flowers
Size: 18 x 24
Medium: oil on stretched canvas


Italy is just beautiful and looking at it through a flower filled doorway is like a gateway to paradise. I used all my favorite warm Tuscan colors and a lot of extra thick impasto knifework. Painting a scene like this makes me nostalgic to go back to visit but I'm going to have to wait awhile for another trip. In the meantime I'll keep painting favorite memories.
All boxes are less than a week and things are getting back to normal. I'm painting in a great new studio with lots of large windows and light and lots of space. It's a wonderful space so I expect I'll be able to paint wonderful pieces here. Thanks for checking in!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Vineyard Perspective

Title: Vineyard Perspective
Size: 24 x 30.....Large
Medium: Oil on stretched canvas, sides painted
I revisited this vineyard painting for a few more hours and added another layer of color and now I absolutely love it. If it doesn't sell on auction, I will put a higher store price on it because I really do need some great paintings in my new house here in Vegas!
I recovered from my "unpacking 300 boxes in 2 days" nervous break down and took the day off unpacking to paint today. Painting makes me so happy! I've missed it and even surrounded by boxes and chaos in this half unpacked house, I'm much less stressed out today.
I'm working on a commission and some great new paintings to list on eBay so keep checking back.
Thanks to all of my collectors for putting up with the move. Things will be back to normal soon!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Night Rain Abstract


Title: Night Rain Abstract
Size: 16 x 20
Medium: oil on stretched canvas
This new expressive palette knife painting is available on auction right now! I absolutely love this rainy and very impressionistic romantic painting. It reminds me of Virginia, where it constantly rained. I just unpacked it from it's travel box today and I'm happy to say all my paintings made it safely to Las Vegas!
Our air conditioner is broken and of course they can't fix it until they get "the part". Even in extreme desert heat, our wonderful teenage daughter worked like slaves to make a dent in the 300 boxes and together we were very successful! I promise tomorrow I will find my printer and be able to make UPS labels to ship your paintings! Thanks for your patience with my move. I hope to be painting in just another day or so! I miss painting big time!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

New York End of the Day

One of the great memories of New York. We rode our bikes all over Central Park and at the end of the day, as the carriages were heading home for the night, I snapped this photo which inspired the painting.
Title: New York End of the Day
Size: 20 x 24
Medium: oil on stretched canvas
Manhattan is always an inspiration and this painting was recently finished after my last trip a few weeks ago. I used knife and brush and a lot of texture and broken color so it glows with many layers of rich oil color. One of my favorite NY scenes!
Posting from Colorado and having a great time. Tomorrow night we should be in VEGAS! Thanks for bearing with me through this move, we're almost there!
Having a wonderful 4th full of great meals and family. I hope you all have a wonderful holiday too!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

We made it to Colorado!

Absolutely beautiful! After a long long day of driving we made it to my Uncle Dave's house in Evergreen CO. Unbelievable here. I forgot how much I missed the mountains. We saw two deer and a fox in the first hour we were here.

Driving through Kansas. It has it's own beauty doesn't it? Smooth driving all the way! We are taking a break for the 4th with family! I hope all of you have a great holiday!
Thanks for checking in!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Venice Italy Gondola in Early Light

Title: Venice Italy Gondola in Early Light
Size: 20 x 24
Medium: oil on stretched canvas
This is a brand new one going on auction tonight! I love to paint Venice....a magical, beautiful city. The reflections in the miandering canals and the peaceful, historic buildings make the perfect setting for my works. I wish I was there right about now.
Instead...right now I'm in Missouri. Today we drove through Ohio, Indiana, Illinois to MO. It's going pretty quick and our truck will be meeting us there in just four more days! The weather has been absolutely perfect so we are very lucky, especially for the summer.
I sure appreciate your interest in my paintings, even through this move. Have a great weekend!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Sunflower Symphony

Title: Sunflower Symphony
24 x 30
I love this Summer painting. Really thick, texture and expressive palette knife work make it a real focal point in any room. This one goes off auction soon!
Day one of our trek across the country with our car loaded up like the Griswalds! I have it packed with mainly paintings and art supplies of course. We're in Ohio now and tommorrow we drive another 9 hours to somewhere in Missouri I believe. My poor husband does almost all the driving. He's a prince.
More posts:
I'll try to keep posting from each stop. I have a few new paintings I love that I'll be previewing here before they go to auction so do keep stopping by!