Friday, April 30, 2010

Dream Stallion

Look at this funny photo. We were in London....the girls decided to get a photo next to this guard who's expression never changed. Notice the sign.

Title: Dream Stallion

Size: 30 x 24

Medium: oil on stretched canvas

Going on auction tonight!


I had a blast painting this sculptural creature. I used mostly knife for extreme texture and many highlights of color on a golden textured background so he appears to be sculpted onto the canvas and I suppose I do sculpt with the oils. I saw many horse monuments and sculptures when we were in Paris and in London and horses always inspire me.

My oils are drying faster now that it is warmer weather and I'm so relieved!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Sunset Pond Fishing

Title:Sunset Pond Fishing
Medium: oil on stretched canvas
Size: 24 x 30
I love how this painting turned out. It is rich and glowing, serene and textural all at the same time. Many glazes of color over color over time brought this piece to life, palette knife and brush.
Going for way too low a price on my eBay auction tonight....I do feel like I'm giving these away but I sure do enjoy painting them for you all! Enjoy!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Regal Racing Rooster

Title: Regal Racing Rooster
Size: 12 x 16
Medium: oil on stretched canvas'

One more on the move in chunky palette knife paint and brilliant color. I used mainly blues, bold indian yellow golds and reds on this one and it has a lot of texture.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

New Orleans Streetcar

Title: New Orleans Streetcar
Size: 20 x 24
Medium: oil on stretched canvas
THE PAINTING: I love this streetcar painting so I decided to put it back on auction. For the people that admired it but were afraid of my store price, here is your chance to bid on it. I enjoy painting New Orleans in bright colors and palette knife textures, impasto (wet on wet) in rich buttery oil. Someone today asked me why I paint in oil instead of acrylic and I said, "Once you've had a really great wine, it's really difficult to drink three buck chuck!" I just love the way a great oil paint moves on the canvas....there's nothing else like it.
We are getting ready for our big move across the country to Las Vegas soon.
I'm used to these military moves since we have moved about 15 times in 20 years, but honestly I've lost count. I don't mind moving that much, it's kind of fun and exciting. I've never been to Vegas so it will be interesting. Cleaned out all the closets and am finishing up with all my big commissions this month. I have about 5 weeks to go until we move so I'm starting to count down. For me it's all about when do I have to stop painting so that the paintings will be dry enought to put in the car when we move. I think early June I have to stop so if you have a commission wish....send it soon!
Thanks for checking in.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Sunset Fishing

ABOUT THIS PAINTING: I love lots of broken color, texture and glowing light in a landscape. Fisherman are one of my favorite metaphors of life and make a serene and peaceful painting. I hope it inspires you.
Size: 20 x 24
Medium: oil on stretched canvas
Title: Sunset Fishing

The reception at Cassatt's last night for "La Femme" went beautifully....great food and wonderful company. The show looked great and I was pleasantly surprised to find that my painting already had a sold sticker on it before the reception even started.

Sold already.

A busy and fun week....back to work!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Blooming Sunflowers

Title: Blooming Sunflowers
Size: 24 x 30
Medium: oil on stretched canvas
I took quite some time finishing this with many layers of glazes and rich deep impasto textures. It glows in person and if you love Sunflowers, this is a stand out piece.
I had to remove a couple paintings off auction because they were purchased on the spot by a collector who came over to pick up a different painting. Photos really never do justice to the paintings.
Tonight I go to a great charity live art auction I am participating in. See for more info. It should be fun and a great cause.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Playing in the Sea

Title:Playing in the Sea
Size: 18 x 24
Medium: oil on stretched gallery wrapped canvas
ABOUT THIS PAINTING: This one was painted for all the Moms of children that love the beach. Some of my favorite memories of my children are of them at the beach, playing in the water and the sand. I used brilliant blues layered on thick and lots of pulls and drags of the knife create movement and texture. It's all in the details like the soft brushwork on the shadows of her skin and textures strokes of her golden hair. One of my favorites.
Can be seen in detail on eBay auction to enlarge for a close-up.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Spring in the Cotswolds, England

When we were in the Costwolds, England, one of the most adorable creatures there were these lambs! I made Mike pull over so I could take a few snapshots of these young April lambs.....
Their Mama sheep in the distance got nervous about me and my camera and yelled at them and...

they ran away to her imediately! I never got my kids to jump on command like that. I was impressed!

Title: Spring in the Cotswolds, England
Size: 12 x 16
Medium: oil on stretched linen
ABOUT THIS PAINTING: Well it's my birthday today and I couldn't have asked for a lovelier day. A perfect 70 degrees and sunshine just the way I like it. I set up out on the deck to paint and finished this one up today. I've been working on it for quite a long time so it is rich with broken color and wonderful painterly texture. I hope you enjoy it and don't forget to click to enlarge.
Will go on eBay auction tonight!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Colors of Tuscany

Title: Colors of Tuscany
Size: 16 x 20
Medium: oil on gallery wrapped stretched canvas
Today was a drizzly rainy and cooler day so I felt like painting a bit of Tuscan sunshine. I layered many layers of deeper warmer golds on top of thinner layers of greens and cooler blues. I usually make the warmer, highlight colors the thickest and this painting has an extremely rich chunky texture that you will want to reach out and touch! I love Tuscany and the rich tapestry of colors it offers. Click to enlarge and check it out on my eBay auction to bid!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Manhattan New York Evening Glow

Title: Manhattan New York Evening Glow
size: 16 x 20
Medium: oil on stretched gallery wrapped canvas
Available on eBay auction tonight.
ABOUT THE PAINTING: Living here in Arlington we are only a short drive to New York and like to take weekend trips a few times a year. I love it and love to paint the street scenes that are so inspirational and full of life, energy, and color. On this piece I used thick texture with knife and brush and using contrasting and complementary colors brought Manhattan from my memory to the canvas. I hope it inspires you.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Sunset and Wind in the Sails

Titled: Time to Relax
size: 16 x 20
Available for purchase from me on my blog.
Medium: oil on stretched canvas, staples in the sides.
I am a huge wine lover and I also love to paint wine bottles and glasses. I have been working on this one for a long time, so long in fact it's on one of my older canvases where the staples are in the sides instead of the back so it does require a frame. It looks fantastic in a deep dark frame and simply glows with layers of glazed oils.

Available on ebay auction tonight!

Title: Sunset and Wind in the Sails

Size: 12 x 16

Medium: oil on stretched gallery wrapped canvas, sides are painted

Bright, and painted thick and chunky with big pulls of rich Winsor Newton artist oils and my favorite knife. Cadmium blues, reds and yellows bring movement and color and this has a great Summer feel, windy and warm.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Birch Tree Path in Radiant Light

This is the invitation to my next show....La Femme. I won third place in this juried show and we put the show up tonight. It looks great. If you live in the area stop by it should be fun. Cassatt's always makes some great food too.
Me and a great friend and artist at the gallery reception last night. Lot of fun and a lot of people showed and purchased art.

A new landscape for eBay auction:

Title: Birch Tree Path in Radiant Light
Size: 20 x 24
Medium: oil on stretched canvas
It's hard not to paint a landscape this time of year. The weather is phenomenal here! I did some serious Spring cleaning this weekend and with the windows open I could feel the breeze and see the leaves rustling from every window. I walk my dog several times a day on the beautiful tree lined paths and park near our house. I have to take some photos because the azaleas are blooming right now and everything is full color. This piece I completed after one of those walks, drawing from my memory and painting with brush and knife in reds and greens and bits of golden rich oils.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

St Mary Abbots Church London Rain

Another inpirational painting from my recent trip to England. I was so happy to see this lovely Church and flower market again. I painted this church several years ago, after my first trip to London and a few months ago went back to revisit and paint it again. Just after this snapshot it started to typical and so inspiring! The painting below is one of my favorites of England yet and I am auctioning it off tonight. Don't forget to click to enlarge to see all the great colors, textures and details. I love the bursts of aquamarine blue against the golds.
Title: St. Mary Abbots Church Rain
Size: 20 x 24
Medium: oil on stretched canvas

Friday, April 16, 2010

Times Square Midnight Hour

Going on eBay auction tonight!...........................SOLD
Title: Times Square Midnight Hour
Size: 12 x 24
Medium: oil on stretched canvas
This painting is on one of my new canvas sizes and I think this elongated canvas is so much fun to paint on. This size also fits on almost any wall. Lots of bright colors and deep textures. I love NY and love to paint these night scenes with the glowing lights and moving lit up cabs. I drag layers of wet on wet paint over a deeply toned canvas. Hope you enjoy!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Children on the Beach

Title: Children on the Beach
Size: 18 x 24
Medium: oil on stretched canvas
I really love this painting so it has a slightly higher price, though still very very low, as auction prices must be! Not only am a quite fond of this oil, but it took a long time to paint. I let it dry imbetween stages and it has at least 5 layers of oil paint and fantastic texture and color. Inspired by the four years I spent at Eglin Air Force Base in Florida, near Fort Walton Beach, this painting brings back many fond memories, and is a lovely focal point painting.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Sunny Sunflowers

Title: Sunny Sunflowers
Size: 12 x 16
Medium: oil on stretched canvas
This has extremely thick paint layed with so many layers that I lost count. I love the way one can sculpt the oils with a knife and glaze with a brush. It is so much fun to turn a white canvas into a luminous sculpture and I am so blessed to be able to paint for you all everyday.
I used my favorite combination for Sunflowers and of course the most expensive: Cadmium red and cadmium yellow light and deep.
This piece goes on eBay for auction tonight!
I have two shows coming up this month, actually three, so I'm very busy painting! A juried show at Cassatt's where I won third place on the 25th, Our group show at the Arlington Art Gallery on the 17th where I have a space with six paintings, and a live auction for a charity called Pawcasso in DC on the 24th, where I will have 2 paintings! Spring is always so busy and so much fun! My birthday is also on Earthday (22nd) and I will be a wopping 45! That's almost 1/2 a century isn't it? Unbelievable but glad to still be here!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Strutting Barnyard Bird

Title: Strutting Barnyard Bird SOLD from Arlington Art Gallery
Size: 16 x 20
Medium: oil on stretched canvas
I used my new great teal color, reds, deep greens and wonderful cad yellows and golds on this fine bird. I love painting thiese colorful roosters with bold texture and extreme personality. I sold my last one to a collector in England and of course another in the local restaurant (Cassatt's) where I try to constantly keep a rooster hung....but they don't last long! This weekend we have a juried show hanging in there. I painted "Rhapsody" for that show titled: "La Femme"

Monday, April 12, 2010

Autumn Stream Sanctuary

Title: Autumn Stream Santuary
Size: 12 x 16
Medium: oil on stretched canvas
This is a sweet little gem of a painting with all my favorite fall colors. Deep cad reds and hits of teal blue make it vibrant and balanced. I blended most of my colors right on the canvas and then repeat with many layers of knifework so it has wonderful textures, and finished with some painterly brushwork for a bit of detail. I hope you enjoy this peaceful scene!
On eBay auction tonight!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

New Orleans Bourbon St. Corner Detail

Title: New Orleans Bourbon St. Corner Detail
Size: 9 x 12
Medium: oil on stretched canvas
Just as I love the details of Venice, and Paris, I also love the great architectural details of New Orleans, especially the lovely lamps and old shuttered doors. I used palette knife for extra texture on this little gem and vibrant colors as is my signature New Orleans style! Enjoy!
Going on eBay auction tonight!

Saturday, April 10, 2010


Title: Montmartre Paris Memories
Size: 20 x24
Medium: oil on stretched canvas
About this painting: THIS PAINTING IS SOLD
I love Paris but especially Montmartre. We got lucky and the weather was just as I expected....RAIN....of course and not too terribly crowed. I painted this painting as if it were the end of the day and much more private! I used many many layers of paint and if you click in you will get a larger version of the piece.

Here are a few snapshots I took of Montmartre. I loved all the umbrellas. I also enjoyed looking at all the artists on the square in the middle. There were one or two artists I really enjoyed talking to!

We also ate at the fantastic restaurant...Chez the center square under the big red canopy. Great food, but I love French food. I didn't loose any weight on this trip to Europe! The Sacre Ceur was also beautiful and it was full of crowds. The were getting ready for Easter and having a large service....amazing.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Poppy Path Serenity

Here's some photos of some of my great memories of England and the Cottswolds. Kayla getting ready to explore the adorable town of Bourton on the Water.

These were some of my inspirations for this painting! Aren't these flowers wonderful?
Title: Poppy Path Serenity
Size: 12 x 24
Medium: oil on stretched canvas
ABOUT THIS PAINTING: Painted from my imagination and memories of my recent Europe trip. I used my favorite colors and techniques on this one and it has many many layers so the paint is very thick. I hope you take time to check it out on my eBay auction tonight, where there are some great close-ups so you can see the fantastic texture. Thanks for checking in!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Times Square Glow

Title: Times Square Glow SOLD from Arlington Art Gallery 5/26/10
Size: 16 x 20
Medium: oil on stretched canvas
ABOUT THIS PAINTING: I have a lot of broken and deep color in this painting. I pushed my color for that electric effect. This piece loosely captures the buzz of the city and the bright lights of the Square. My memory of colors, lights and the feel of New York were the driving factors of this painting.
I am getting mentally ready for another great weekend in the city. We go in about a month, just for the weekend and I am already excited!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Poppy Story

One more photo of England. Here are Jessica and Kayla in Hyde park in London and the Daffodils and cherry trees were in full bloom! Beautiful and so inspiring!
Title: Poppy Story SOLD but email me for commission!
Size: 16 x 20
Medium: oil on canvas
About this painting:
This piece has an amazing amount of colors and textures. I let the paint dry imbetween stages of painting so it took many weeks to complete. I used some brilliant cadmium red to finish and although it's very expensive, I did apply it a bit thick for added dimension. I showed it to a new collector today and it got a "wow...amazing", response, which is always the reaction I love to hear! She is buying several but this one is reserved for tonight's auction....hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Spring Tulips

A few of the precious babies in my garden in Arlington.....I love April!

Title: Spring Tulips
Size: 12 x 24
Medium: oil on canvas
Spring has sprung! My garden is in full Spring bloom so I have to paint it. It was almost a shame, but I cut some of my lovely red tulips to paint and admire....these are my favorite April flower!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Sunflower Symphony

Title: Sunflower Symphony
Size: 24 x 30
Medium: oil on stretched canvas

About this painting:
An unbelievable amount of texture and brilliant color, layer upon layer makes this a stellar focal point painting! Click to enlarge or go to my eBay auction tonight for more great close-ups. We arrived back from Paris/England last night where it was a bit chilly to an unbelievably hot day in Arlington today. I feel like some how we skipped's almost 90 degrees so my body has some readjusting to do. I'm feeling Summer coming on strong already so here are some of Summer's finest flowers!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Thornbury Castle, England

Finally I have internet access so I can blog a bit. For the past few days we were at Bourton on the Water in a great manor house but it had no recpection. I'll have to post some photos of it soon. Now we are in Thornbury and actually had a bit of sun today for a few moments imbetween the rainy drizzle. It is beautiful here!

Here we are now at Thornbury castle where we are staying for a few's wonderfully old and although it's been quite cold we had a lovely time exploring the castle ruins. There, do I sound British? I've only been here a few days and already find myself saying things like..."Brilliant!"

I can't hardly wait to paint some castles!