Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sierra Mountain Lake Sailing

A close up some of the mountain texture.

Title: Sierra Mountain Lake Sailing

Size: 16 x 20

Medium: oil on stretched canvas


I'm in love with this painting partly because it reminds me of home, and there is just something about a little boat sailing through the pines that moves me. I hope you check out some of the other incredible close ups on eBay to see the texture, especially in the mountains. You will want to reach out and touch the bumpy nooks and crannies of the many dried layers of oils. It is sealed with a medium and very durable so a little touching won't hurt it. My paintings will last hundreds and hundreds of years. Long after I'm gone I hope they are still enjoyed by some of my collector's grandchildren and stay part of your families.


Saturday, February 27, 2010

Aspen Fall Path in Dappled Light

Title: Aspen Fall Path in Dappled Light
Size: 20 x 24
Medium: oil on stretched canvas


Rich thick oil and lots of vivid autumn of my favorites. There's something about a path that welcomes you into the painting.
I haven't been able to paint as much as I like to the last few days....lots of Spring cleaning lately, even though it is still winter. As soon as we get a new assignment, I get into moving mode and start going through closets and eliminating. We move to Las Vegas end of June. I think it will be exciting. All the way from one coast to the other!

Titled: Florida Sunset
One of my recent commissions....just completed!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Tuscany Italy Chianti Vineyard

Me on our last Italy trip....ready for winetasting in the 500 year old building behind that ancient olive tree to my left. What a beautiful vineyard we stayed at!


Title: Tuscany Italy Chianti Vineyard

Size: 16 x 20

Medium: Oil on stretched canvas


I love to paint a vineyard and I used a brush and a knife and all my favorite landscape colors on this original. Light and shadow are captured with warm highlights on top of cooler colors, and I love to use a brilliant cobalt blue sky with the warm colors of hills and vines. The complimentary colors next to eachother like the red and green in the vines appear brighter because they are alongside eacher.

Italian vineyards are just beautiful and so full of color, they just call to be painted.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Midnight Rush Times Square

Title: Midnight Rush Times Square
Size: 20 x 24
Medium: Oil on stretched canvas
Goes on eBay auction tonight!

Whenever I am about to go somewhere or wishing I was somewhere, I have the urge to paint it. I'm planning a weekend trip in Manhattan in May and already I'm ready to go! This painting is fantastic with texture and broken color and makes quite a showpiece. I used many layers of paint with a brush at first and then a palette knife and this technique takes quite a while and goes through a lot of paint! I would love to put it in one of my galleries but I always love offering my favorites to you all as often as possible. I'll be showing in a new gallery in New Orleans soon so that should be exciting!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Don't Ruffle My Feathers

Title: Don't Ruffle my Feathers
Size: 9 x 12
Medium: oil on stretche canvas

I used my favorite little palette knife and rich buttery oils in warm greens, umbers and golds. Perfect colors to warm up a kitchen wall or any small space.
I've been extremely busy this month with commissions and I really appreciate all of you for keeping me busy painting and out of trouble! I've painted several rooster commissions lately and even one that is very large....30 x 24. He is truly a Big Bird. I hope this little guy finds a good home too. Going on auction tonight on my eBay.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Joys of Summer Sunflowers

Title: Joys of Summer Sunflowers
Size: 8 x 10
Medium: oil on stretched canvas

Available on auction tonight!

This is a sweet little painting that will fit just about anywhere. I used some of my favorite summer colors, bright greens and yellows and winsor newton artist oils, brush and palette knife.
Memories of my daughters and of course Monet!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Romantic Wild Poppies

Title: Romantic Wild Poppies
Size: 20 x 24
Medium: oil on stretched canvas
See eBay auction tonight for purchase
This painting is just amazing in person. It has incredible and very thick textures and luminous colors from the many layer upon layer of oils, many which have dried for weeks imbetween and so it has taken forever to complete and is finally finished. I again used the play of warm reds against cool blues and other cool colors and I just love the way it glows.
Art tip of the day:
When collecting art, it is always great to purchase a piece that moves you in some way. It might just melt your heart, grab you with the color, or seem to tell your story, but if your first instinct is, "I love it", then it will work in your home.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Fall Fishing by Early Light

Title: Fall Fishing by Early Light
Size: 24 x 30
Medium: oil on stretched canvas
Going on eBay auction tonight at an incredibly low price!
Many layers of Winsor Newton Artist oils with both brush and knife in this gallery quality painting. I finished it over time and it has many layers of glazed color and is rich and deep with contrasting cool blues and warm reds, which I love. This painting was inspired in part by my uncle, who used to take me fishing when I was a child, and in part by my stay in Montgomery Alabama, where I painted the Alabama river quite often and frequently saw fisherman and photographed them.
I am a big believer in color makes the painting. Vivid reds, oranges, yellows and deep greens automatically add warmth to any room and even just a splash of color here and there in a painting can dramatically add impact to an otherwise blah painting. Hope you enjoy!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Lake Como Bellagio Italy Romance

Title: Lake Como Bellagio Italy Romance
Size: 20 x 24
Medium: oil on stretched canvas

Going on eBay auction tonight!

ABOUT THE PAINTING: Last summer we stayed in this great little town, Bellagio, and we loved it. It is a little charming and romantic, it was hard to go home. I used many layers of Winsor Newton artist oils and some of my favorite colors in this scene.
ART TIP OF THE DAY: Choose wall art that you relate to or represents your values and interests. If you're a travel fanatic, like me, it's fun to showcase a series of places from around the world you love or would love to see! I've a few collectors already that have been inspired to go to Lake Como because of my romantic Lake Como paintings!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Early Fall Wild Flower Field

Title: Early Fall Wildflower Field
Size: 9 x 12
Medium: oil on stretched canvas
Available on eBay auction tonight at a very low price!
THIS PAINTING: is a mini masterpiece! It took a long time to finish for a little one and has lots of great color, texture and incredible detail. Brush and palette knife.
If you find a particular piece of art moving or inspiring, chances are your friends and family will feel the love as well. Follow your heart! Original art will add joy to life, brighten your home and be a great investment!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Ballerina on the Rise

Title: Ballerina on the Rise
Size: 20 x 24
Medium: oil on stretched canvas
This painting is truly a sculpture on the has lots of paint and great texture and color...rusy brown background and pops of tourquoise blue and gold. The figure in motion is always fun to get back to now and then. I have several more women planned to paint in the next month.
This painting is on eBay auction tonight.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Red Dress in the Rain

Title: Red Dress in the Rain
Size: 16 x 20
Medium: oil on stretched canvas

I am so glad it stopped snowing but I still am very cold and so I paint another blustery, drizzly day. There is tremendous texture in this one and you can feel the rain in the night here. I used lots of play of color, cool blues against warm reds to really make the colors stand out and I like this one. I would love it in a wide black frame.
ART TIPS: I have noticed, when I visit other homes, that some folks don't really know how to hang art. It's best to use a picture hanging nail and hook, if you are hanging a framed work on a wire. Paintings need to be hung at eye level. You shouldn't have to tilt your head way up to look at the art. Hope this helps your decorating! Thanks for checking in!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Provence Sunflowers in Sunshine

Title: Provence Sunflowers in Sunshine
Size: 16 x 20
Medium: oil on stretched canvas
See on my eBay auction tonight at a very low price...and no reserve!
This piece has many layers of cad yellows, and lemon yellows and really has a warm feel. The painting is layered thicker in the forground with warm colors so the cooler background colors are set back for depth and added dimension. It finally stopped snowing here and hopefully we'll see some of this sunny weather soon!!!
Art thoughts: Remember when selecting a frame, if the painting has mainly warm colors choose a warmer frame like gold, dark gold or brown. If it has cooler colors (blues, lavenders, winsor green tones) choose a cool frame like silver or black. Black can sometimes work well with warm colors too. This painting looks great with gold, dark gold or black.

Monday, February 15, 2010

London Rain

Title: London Rain
Size: 16 x 20
Medium: oil on stretched canvas
Available on my eBay...
Lots of broken color in this rainy painting. I love London and tried to make this one shine with all my favorite memories of the wonderful city. I love the one of a kind red telephone booths, the funky cabs and characters that drive them, and of course all the great pubs!
Thoughts: I paint sometimes too much when I feel stressed or overwhelmed. It is my release and my outlet for my stress. The weather here has been so crazy and kids have been home from school and cooped up for a week. I'm looking forward to warmer weather!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

A Couple of Wise Guys

Title: A Couple of Wise Guys
Size: 20 x 24
Medium: oil on stretched canvas
Available on eBay auction tonight at a crazy low price and no reserve!
I was in a rooster painting mood today. Some days I get up and look at my list of painting ideas from the night before and completely scratch it and paint something else! This was one of those days. I got a nice email from someone who wants a very large rooster painting and so the birds were on my brain. I love these roosters and painted them extra thick....especially the cadmium red. I used lots of palette knife and a bit of brush so there is lovely broken color everywhere....whimsical and textural and bright! Hope they make you smile!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Hawaii Sailing in Paradise

Title: Hawaii Sailing in Paradise
Size: 20 x 24
Medium: oil on stretched canvas
Going to my eBay auction tonight.
Rich oils in this signature Hawaii landscape painting....colors of Summer and the tropics, and shades of cool blues and warm umbers sand colors. Vivid memories and colorful displays of color make this paradise a warm and welcoming painting.
My thoughts: Art for me is a constant challenge and life long project. As a painter, I express with color and my works can be very strong and intense. Sometimes my finished painting is like a sculpture on the canvas, and even a bit whimsical but always it is full of my distinctive imagery and life experiences.
I hope you enjoy this painting!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Wild Horses

Title: Wild Horses
Size: 12 x 24
Medium: oil on canvas
Vivid color and impasto texture, this painting makes you want to reach out and touch it. Like a sculpture on the canvas the horses emerge with expressive movements of the palette knife and were so much fun to create. Thanks for looking and you will find this piece on my eBay auction tonight.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Tuscany Flowers

Title: Tuscany Flowers
Size: 20 x 24
Medium: oil on stretched canvas

I am in the mood for sunny landscapes lately and summer sun in Tuscany would be fantastic right now. We had sun today! Everyone came out and we shoveled a ton of snow and it looks like Tahoe in our yard, the snow piles are so high! Painting a summer landscape with lush flowers and open skies helped make the day perfect. I used a warm red and green palette and put the paint on thick. I hope you enjoy it and it helps warm your spirit too.

Going on auction tonight at a very low price.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Napa Valley Vineyard

Title: Napa Valley Vineyard
Size: 20 x 24
Medium: oil on stretched canvas

This original oil will go on auction tonight and it is a lovely painting. It took a long time to complete and I finally am finished! A Sunny landscape to help me warm up. I am visualizing the weather and beautiful scenery in the hopes that soon it will be a reality.

BLIZZARD NUMBER TWO! Here are some photos from my windows. Look at these poor frozen robins!

We usually get only an inch or two here in Arlington, VA. Look at my back deck! The table and chairs are barely visible. The snow is at least 5 or 6 feet in some places! I hope we can dig out of this soon!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Little Bad Barnyard Bird

Title: Little Bad Barnyard Bird
Size: 9 x 12
Medium: Oil on stretched canvas
PAINTING AND INSPIRATION: Painted like a sculpture. The thick oil paint goes on the canvas like butter. Some of my artists friends are amazed at the quantities of expensive oil paint I use but sometimes I'm in the mood to put it on super thick!
It is already snowing again here in the DC area and I can't believe it. I miss Spring thaw already and have been putting lots of birdseed out for all my feathered friends. They must be cold and hungry because it's all covered in a thick white blanket. The rooster is one of my favorite birds and I love to paint his bold personality.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Venice Window Detail

Title: Venice Window Detail SOLD
Size: 11 x 14
Medium: Oil on stretched canvas

When I traveled to Venice recently, I took hundreds of snapshots and many were of the great old buildings and especially the window. We stayed in a 500 year old house on a small canal in the Jewish getto and it was fantastic. Unbelievably old and with so much charm....I fell in love. Like a window to the past so I love to paint it. Old brickwork and shutters with rich thick oils and I felt like a mason creating it. It is just the right size to hang anywhere.

TODAY still no school, so kids are home and it looks like we are getting another foot of snow tomorrow on top of the unplowed three feet we already have! Arlington isn't prepared for this kind of snow. Fortunately I have a four wheel drive Ford so I can make it to UPS no worries here!
Paintings will be shipped snow or no snow!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Road Less Traveled

Title: The Road Less Traveled
Size: 12 x 24
Medium: oil on canvas
contact me for purchase
or see auction.
I used a palette knife and a little brush work here. Cooler greens recede into the background and warm colors move to the forground adding depth. I love an inviting path landscape and love to push the color and texture. Painted on one of my new canvas sizes.
I had to paint a bit of sunshine today, it was a beautiful sunny day here and the brilliant white snow made it even brighter. All my neighbors were out shoveling the three feet of snow in the street. We decided since the snow plows never came, we would shovel our street ourselves....I have paintings to ship! It was actually a lot of fun. And we were the first car down the hill, and no wreck~

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Title: Beauty of Napa Valley Vineyard
Size: 20 x 24
Medium: oil on canvas

I love this painting and won't be too sad if it doesn't sell because it looks great in my living room, and I know the Arlington Art gallery owner will want it too, but of course I love offering my favorites to you all. I've been working on it for quite awhile and so it has many layers of overlapping colors and incredible texture.
You wouldn't believe the amount of snow we have here. I wasn't able to paint today because I spent a good part of the day shoveling and we didn't even make a dent in it. Snow plows haven't made it to our street yet and it's over 3 feet deep in snow. It looks like Tahoe! Trees are snapping everywhere and lots of people are without power...I hope we don't loose ours or it will be very cold without heat. At least my husband made it home before the storm hit! Thank goodness.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Night City Rain

We have more snow!!!

Title: Night City Rain

Size: 20 x 24

Medium: oil on stretched canvas

Going on auction tonight!


This contemporary piece is all about color and texture. Lots of thick palette knife work and vibrant color.


We are supposed to get 30" of snow here in the DC area this weekend! Wow that's a lot for this area. Everything pretty much shuts down when it snows like this and I kind of enjoy the slower pace, and it's just beautiful. Maybe I won't be so keen tomorrow morning when I'm shoveling two feet of snow but right now I love it. I hope you all are bundled up cozy and warm with your loved ones! Enjoy and have a great weekend!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Color in the Rain

Title: Colors in the Rain
Size: 16 x 20
Medium: oil on stretched canvas


THE PAINTING: Fantastic texture and layered broken color in this very impressionistic modern painting from my rain series and it's one of my favorites. Interesting textures create a feeling of wind and movement and you can almost feel the chill with the cool colors of teals and greens against the warm reds.
INSPIRATION: Another big storm is on the way with real wet and heavy snow by this weekend. Time to bundle up and try to stay warm. I love to paint weather!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Three Tulips

Title: Three Tulips
Size: 12 x 24
Medium: oil on stretched canvas

On auction tonight.

I primed the canvas with a red and black underpainting and then layered and textured the woman with a palette knife. She holds 3 Tulips which might symbolize the three people she adores. I love to play a warm red near a cool blue. Every once in awhile I love to paint a figurative, artsy piece and this particular size suits it. I hope you take time to look at some close ups on the auction.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Manhattan, New York City Night Rain

Title: Manhattan, New York City Night Rain
Size: 16 x 20
Medium: Oil on stretched canvas

On auction tonight!

Once again it is snowing and very cold but I had a lovely day anyway. Sometimes the weather is inspiring and snow at night is just beautiful as it falls in the lights. Rain is too and New York dazzles and glows with wet reflections and is so much fun to paint. Lots of loose and broken colored brushwork on this painting and just a bit of heavy knife. I hope you enjoy!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Fall Romance

Title: Fall Romance
Size: 16 x 20
Medium: Oil on stretched canvas
See tonight's auction for purchase
I used primarily knife on this original and lots of rich artist oils. It is backlit with a misty and lovely light grey background and then pushed over the top with bold reds, oranges and yellows. I love painting a path and try to make it invite the viewer into the painting so it tells its own story....yours.
It's very cold here and I am ready for some Spring weather! I think instead we might get more snow!