Sunday, January 31, 2010

Rain Tapestry

Title: Rain Tapestry
Size: 20 x 24...large
Medium: Oil on stretched canvas
see auction for purchase.....

Pure rich and viscuous oil paint pulled and dragged across the large canvas in big much fun. I love painting these modern city rain people and when doing so I get quite an arm workout. Between painting and tennis I don't need the gym! I used my favorite rainy color pallete of blues and greens and added a pop of red with her bright red umbrella for a focal point. I hope you enjoy!

We actually had about 7 inches of snow yesterday and taking photos of paintings out in the snow has its challenges! It is just lovely though, a crisp and clean white blanket on everything. Snow is always inspires a weather painting.
We found out we're moving "again" this summer. I've lost count but it has to be over 16 moves in the last 20 years. This time we go to VEGAS! We're all getting excited about it, as stressful as it is to move, it has its advantages. I'm looking forward to having a new, and freshly organized house. Now we just have to find one!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Lake Como Italy Reflections

Title: Lake Como Italy Reflections
Size: 20 x 24
Medium: oil on stretched canvas

We had so much snow today, I had to paint something warm and sunny. Vibrant hues, this new original oil is rich, thick and colorful. Painted with extremely thick Winsor Newton Artist oils and a knife. I can't explain how beautiful this place is and my trip there last summer inspires me still. Sometimes I sit and look at some of my photographs...below is one from the lake... and wonder how dull they are compared to the vivid, brilliant colors I remember. Photos never capture the true colors and always seem dark and grey, and this is one of the reasons I love to paint. It helps me relive the moment and hopefully brings beauty and joy to someone who experienced or wants to experience something similiar. I hope you enjoy!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Big Bad Barnyard Bird

Title: Big Bad Barnyard Bird
Size: 16 x 20
Medium: oil on stretched canvas
Happy Friday! It's finally here! It feels like a super long week and Friday is welcome!
To celebrate, I've painted another barnyard rooster, and this one is very 3 dimensional and thick and very large and I think he has a deserving title. I hung a total of 4 roosters in both the Cassatt's gallery and Arlington Art Gallery last month and they all sold. So I present one more for my eBay collectors to enjoy. They say a rooster brings good luck to your kitchen. Does that mean you cook better or eat more, or less, or better? I don't know. But I do know that my roosters bring smiles and I hope you enjoy him!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Paris and the Red Dress

Title: Paris and the Red Dress
Size: 16 x 20
Medium: Oil on stretched canvas
See auction tonight for purchase
This new original oil is explosive with reflective color and heavy with textured paint. I used many of my favorite bright colors in this piece with multiple layers of broken color applied with palette knife and brush in expressive drags giving it a loose and very impressionistic feeling.
Paris and Romance are practically synonimous and so the focal point, the woman in red, helps elicit emotion, set the tone and tell her own romantic narrative. Hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Vieux Carre Night New Orleans

Title: Vieux Carre' Night New Orleans
Size: 20 x 24
Medium: oils on stretched canvas
See my auction tonight for purchase
This is the last New Orleans painting for at least a month so I hope it finds a good home. This piece has loads of bold color and I used a palette knife for texture and also lots of fine brush work so it glows with translucent color. I hope it makes you smile and brings back some fond New Orleans memories of the lovely French Quarter.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

San Francisco Night Rain Powell St.

Title: San Francisco Night Rain Powell St.
Size: 20 x 24
Medium: oils on gallery stretched canvas
Going on auction tonight....don't miss it!
One of my favorite SF paintings to date, this oil was painted from some old photographs and many wonderful memories of SF and from a deep longing to go back to visit. I love that cable car, so there it sits centered in the painting, as passengers rush to board in an evening drizzle. Painted extremely thick, it is heavy with rich oils, bold colors and fond memories. Hope you enjoy!

Monday, January 25, 2010

French Quarter Night Rain

Title: French Quarter Night Rain
Size: 12 x 16
Medium: Oil on stretched canvas
A very affordable and colorful New Orleans cityscape. This medium size painting is easy to pop into a standard frame but actually looks great as is. I have multiple layers of Winsor Newton artist oils layered with knife and brush and it just glows. You can find it on auction tonight where there are some great close-ups.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Late Night Romance in the Rain

Title: Late Night Romance in the Rain
Size: 16 x 20
Medium: Oil on stretched canvas


Goes on auction tonight, no reserve and very low starting bid!

One of my favorite palette knife paintings. Big pulls of rich, buttery paint across the canvas....just amazing to watch the blank canvas turn into an evocative image like this. I listened to the rain today while painting this painting and it was a lovely, calm Sunday with my family. This colorful piece tells a story of love and is full of life and passion...I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed painting it!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Colors of Times Square

Title: Colors of Times Square
Size: 24 x 30....Huge!
Medium: oil on stretched canvas


This photo does not at all do justice to this painting. In life it is electric and full of energy.
One of my very best NY scenes and I hope you go to my auction tonight to see some great close up zooms. I used a lot of heavy paint and palette knife work to achieve the great reflection action and every time I look at this one, I really want to go back to NY, again. I'm going to have to make a road trip in the Spring for sure. Hope you enjoy and thanks for checking out my work!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

China Town, San Francisco

Title: China Town, San Francisco
Size: 16 x 20
Medium: Oil on stretched canvas
Going on auction tonight!
I love painting interesting cityscape scenes and China Town is so full of color and energy. One of my collectors suggested I paint it and I thought it was a great idea, especially since SF is one of my favorite cities! I have a lot of subtle brushwork in this painting and a bit of heavy knife in certain areas. Lots of little colorful details make this a stand out piece....hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

New Orleans Night

Title: New Orleans Night
Size: 20 x 24
Medium: Oil on stretched canvas
Going on auction tonight!
I love New Orleans and love to paint it. I've had a few requests from some of my collectors in Louisiana for more street scenes with people and musicians so here you go! This one has loads of thick paint, broken color, and interesting textures and details. I like it and hope it moves you. Please contact me if there is something you request me to paint!
I'm working with a few other artists right now, trying to teach them my technique and painting style, but it is very difficult to teach. I think every artist really needs to develope their very own unique style and the only way to do that is to paint....a lot! I have been working with my daughters all their lives, but they don't like too much help. My oldest just won second place in an art show and I go to the reception tonight so I'm blogging early. I don't think they will want to have a career in art but you never know!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Birch Tree Tapestry of Light

Title: Birch Trees Tapestry of Light
Size: 30 x 24
Medium: Oil on stretched canvas

going on auction tonight!

I love to watch people look at my paintings. At the recent gallery reception, I could see people look at one, walk towards it with a hand outstretched, ready to touch and then quickly pull the hand back. I see it time and again and understand the urge to want to touch because it has grooves, bumps and crevices that you just have to feel! It really is alright to touch them. Oil paintings are tough as nails and very hard to damage, so be my guest. I decided to put a lot of time into this lovely landscape, so it has an amazing amount of texture and the birch tree bark does actually feel like bark.
This is one of my favorite landscapes in awhile! This piece has layers of palette knife work and intricate brushwork and I know it will make a wonderful showpiece for somebody's living room! Hope you enjoy.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Summer Light Venice Canal

Title: Summer Light Venice Canal
Size: 16x12
Medium: Oil on stretched canvas
....see auction tonight for purchase
I love the charm and antiquity of this special city and its intricate waterways are amazing and beautiful. If you ever get a chance to go and decide to ride a gondola, make sure you take these lesser canals, which are quiet and remote, unlike the crowded, busy grand canal. I took lots of photos on my trip to Venice and love to paint these quiet scenes. I use a bit of knife and load my brush heavily when I use it. This is one of my favorite little Venice paintings...hope you enjoy.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Violin Solo

Title: Violin Solo
Medium: oil on stretched canvas, mixed media
Size: 30x24
I am running this one on auction tonight. This is a unique peice inspired by my daughter, who plays the violin. I used extra thick paint, with a palette knife and some musical notes varnished into the composition for added texture and interest. Music and art are very important in my life, so I love to paint every variation of it. Hope you enjoy!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Soulful New Orleans Bourbon St.

Title: Soulful New Orleans Bourbon St.
Size: 20 x 24
Medium: Oil on stretched canvas

See eBay auction tonight or contact me for purchase or commission!


It's all about mood and lighting in this piece. I love the colors of this street scene. I used at least three layers of paint so it it's thick with lots of color, and blended on the canvas so the painting has a mysterious mood about and soul.

I am hoping all my Louisiana art collectors and friends enjoy this one!

Friday, January 15, 2010

New Orleans Streetcar

Title: New Orleans Streetcar
Size: 20 x 24
Medium: Oil on stretched canvas
Going on auction tonight!
I love this streetcar so decided to paint it one more time, for the love of New Orleans and all my Louisiana collectors! This one glows with lots of thick golden oils. Used mostly palette knife on this painting so it is very rich and textural with lots of beautiful broken color. Makes quite a statement in any room. Hope you enjoy and have a great Friday!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Red Pods and Poppies

Title: Red Pods and Poppies
Size: 16 x 20
Medium: Oil on stretched canvas
See auction or contact me for purchase
I can't seem to control myself when I paint sometimes. I just love painting these crazy poppies. They seem to take on a life of their own and sometimes I like to add some extra texture with fancy, textured bits of wonderful papers that are shredded into appropriate shapes and adhered with medium and sealed with varnish. They make the pods seem to explode! Lots of wonderful winsor newton artists oils are thickly painted onto the canvas with a palette knife and I also used a brush just a bit. Hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Field of Wild Poppies

Title: Field of Wild Poppies
Size: ACEO ....teeny tiny
Medium: oil on canvas paper
This tiny little painting is an ACEO which stands for art card edition original and is the size of a standard baseball card! I've only painted a few of these and every so often will be in the mood to paint another. These will go directly into my store. I don't think I will auction them very often, but they are there for you to look at and purchase for around $30.
I painted it because I love to challenge myself and never want to feel confined to paint one genre or even one size! Hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Lake Como Morning Light

Donated for Auction : American Cancer Society
Framed 16 x 20
This painting was a recent donation. I love to donate to great causes and give about 8 paintings a year to charities hoping to raise money for various causes. I love to paint and feel so blessed to be able to help. This one raised quite a bit of cash for the fight against cancer so I was very pleased!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Provence Sunflowers

Title: Provence Sunflowers
Size: 16 x 20
Medium: Oil on stretched canvas
Contact me for purchase info or see auction.
It's been so very very cold here that I really felt like painting some sunshine and it doesn't get any warmer than sunflowers with their faces up to the warm, blue sky in Provence. This painting has many, many layers of rich oils. Each petal has at least 3 colors of gold and every inch of this painting has interesting texture and color. Hope you enjoy and it warms you up a bit!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Times Square Reflections

New gallery opening reception last night!

I was very excited with the turn out and warm welcome the Arlington Artists Alliance and I received at our new gallery opening reception last night! It was lots of fun to see so many of my collectors there, and the gallery looked awsome!
I had a wonderful time meeting everyone and thank you so much for your continuous support and interest in my oil paintings. I'll be replacing all the art that sold, and put new art up at least twice a month so keep checking in!


Title: Times Square Reflection

Size: 20 x 24
Medium: Oil on stretched canvas
See auction tonight!
I wanted this to be a striking night painting so I layed the paint thick and bright! Bold deep prussian blues, under thick strokes of cadmium reds and yellows makes this painting unique and very New York. I feel the rush and energy of Times Square when I paint this scene, and hope you enjoy it!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Moonlight Fishing

Title: Moonlight Fishing
Size: 12 x 16
Medium: Oil on linen me for similiar painting


This painting just glows and looks fantastic in the dark gold ornate frame in my store. I have had this one for awhile just because I didn't want to part with it, but I'm ready to let someone else enjoy it. Every once in awhile I paint on linen instead of canvas. It's much more expensive but withen painting a subtle, soft painting, with lots of brushwork, nothing feels better than linen. It's just a luxery to paint on, and I used some nice greys and warm greens and blues to give this painting a sense of serentity and calm. Hope you enjoy.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Lights in the City

Title: Lights in the City
Size: 9 x 12
Medium: Oil on stretched canvas
Contact me to purchase by check or paypal
I love painting these little cityscapes! This one has very expressive and impressionistic brushwork, and a little knife too. It's not as heavy with the paint, except on the brights of the lights and taxi cabs, making them really pop out, literally. Lots of fun to paint and I'll be painting more night cityscapes for February! This painting is small enough to fit about anywhere, and I might take it over to the gallery soon....I hope you enjoy it!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Sunlit Pears

Title: Sunlit Pears
Size: 12 x 16
Medium: Oil on stretched canvas
contact me for purchase info.
Painted this while looking at some fresh pears in the window light. This painting just glows in person. Photos just don't do justice to most paintings, but truly not to this one. It has lots of interesting textures and fantastic broken color. Some of my favorite winter fruits with some of my favorite color combinations: brilliant greens and golds and delicious umbers and ochers. Both palette knife and brush are used, and layers of color are glazed on in places in order to make these pears glow.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Jazzy New Orleans Glow

Title: Jazzy New Orleans Glow
Size: 20 x 24
Medium: Oil on stretched canvas
contact me for more purchase information or see my auction tonight!
This painting is fresh off the eisle and still wet, so if you buy it now, it's yours but you'll have to wait some for it to finish the drying process. It will take another week to fully oxidize. I painted this one too thick for my own good, but I really love that texture! I used lots of bright yellows, golds and reds and many layers with my favorite little palette knife for beautiful broken color and details. I hope you check out some of the zooms!
Thanks to all of you who contact me with wonderful thoughts and emails with ideas for paintings. I always love to here what you are interested in, and odds are, I'll paint it and put it on auction for you to buy at a value.
I've been listening and because of your requests, in the coming month I will be painting as many cityscapes as I possible. You'll be seeing more NY, San Francisco and New Orleans for sure. Keep your requests coming!
email me anytime!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Sunflowers in Full Bloom

Title: Sunflowers in Full Bloom
Size: 20 x 24
Medium: Oil on stretched canvas

Contact me for purchase information or see auction.

I think I could paint thousands of flower paintings and never tire of it. Each one is unique, different and so much fun to paint. I took my time on this large original oil and let it dry imbetween layers of color, so it has beautiful broken color, luminous glazes and loads of texture. I have some great zooms of this that will be on the auction, so make sure you check them out. Hope you enjoy!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Rainy Melody

Title: Rainy Melody
Size: 12 x 16
Medium: Oil on stretched canvas



This painting was done awhile ago and I love to paint, impasto, like this. Here the paint is piled on like icing with a palette knife, and with decisive strokes, the paint is pulled and carved
into shapes. Why apply paint as if frosting a cake? I really enjoy the tactile, sculptural quality of thick oil color. Some of my favorite master artists used impasto techniques as well, like, van Gogh, Edgar Payne. Sometimes I build my paint layer upon layer, letting layers dry imbetween, but in this piece, the exciting, bold texture is done wet-into-wet, as is suiting to this rainy painting! I will be painting some larger rain paintings like this in the coming weeks. Hope you enjoy!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Poppy Explosion

Title: Poppy Explosion
Size: 12 x 16
Medium: oil paints on stretched canvas, some acid free paper
Contact me about purchase or check my auction.
I enjoy painting just about everything and when I'm in the mood for some flowers, like on this cold windy day, they take on their own personal characteristics. I use many layers of paint with both brush and knife on this one, with quick movements to give it a sense of motion. The papers are varnished in at the end with a medium to add extra dimension and the sense of the pods bursting.

Friday, January 1, 2010

All that Jazz

Title: All that Jazz
Size: 16 x 20
Medium: Oil on stretched canvas

Buy it now price...$ me for purchase through paypal


I used many layers of color to achieve this broken color, textured piece. I sculpt and drag the rich oils in blocks of color and then go back and do it again. It's the layering and the combinations of color that give it its glow. I added just a touch of gold leaf as a finishing touch on the Sax. These two make me smile, I hope they give you one too.