Saturday, October 31, 2009

French Quarter New Orleans Color

Title: French Quarter New Orleans Color
Size: 16 x 20
Medium: Oil on gallery wrapped canvas
See auction for purchase
This painting has intense color and texture from many layers of Winsor Newton Oils. After painting an abstract underpainting of dark colors, I layer deep red and yellows on top for depth, then adding details and highlights.
I was in the mood for lots of rich color and some palette knife work, and New Orleans seems to call for bold color and!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Jazz and the New Orleans Beat

Title: Jazz and the New Orleans Beat
Size: 20 x 24
Medium: Oil on gallery wrapped canvas
Winsor Newton artists oils in my signature palette knife style. This original has lots of textured paint and brilliant color built up layer upon layer. Most colors here are blended on the canvas creating its own jazzy melody.
I went to one of my daughters orchestra concerts the other night and the highlight of the evening was the Jazz ensemble.....absolutely fantastic sound and very inspiring! Hope you enjoy.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Rainy Romance

Title: Rainy Romance
Size: 16 x 20
Medium: Oil on gallery wrapped canvas

See eBay listing tonight for purchase

With a large palette knife I pull and drag thick luminous colors on a pure black background. This has a lot of movement, texture and color and tells its own story.
Well it was raining and can you tell from the colors what music I was listening to while painting this peice? Of course it was....Jazz. That Sax makes me paint vibrant every time! Hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Central Park Flowers

Title: Central Park Flowers
Size: 16 x 20
Medium: Oil on gallery wrapped canvas

See eBay auction for purchase tonight. Auction starts at $118

This painting is rich with brilliant blue-greens and vivid yellows, characteristic of the French Impressionist era. Every once in a while I like to put pastel colors into my paintings and make a sunshine painting!
My last trip to the city and of course the Monet paintings that I go stare at about once a month since the National Gallery of Art is just 10 minutes from my house. I drag the kids, who are now starting to appreciate the works. I'm always in the mood to paint when I come back from the gallery. Hope it inspires you!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Early Morning Venice Gondolier

Title: Early Morning Venice Gondolier

Size: 11 x 14

Medium: Oil on gallery wrapped canvas


This original oil has rich color and lots of rich buttery Winsor Newton artist oils applied with knife. I used some foundation white blended with golden hues to create the old stucco and brick work, applying it like a mason, and the building shadow are rich with umbers and siennas.


My recent Venice trip to has inspired so many paintings and I just fell in love with the architecture, history and romance of Venice. These lesser canals are charming and peaceful in early morning light.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Paris Romance

Title: Paris Romance
Size: 16 x 20
Medium: Oil on gallery wrapped canvas
See eBay auction tonight for purchase...opening bid is $118
This original oil is explosive with reflective color and heavy with textured paint. I used all my favorite colors in this one and it has many layers of broken color applied with palette knife in bold swipes and drags giving it a loose an impressionistic look.
It's been awhile since I painted a romantic Paris scene and I love to paint people from another era.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Kapalua Bay, Hawaii

Title: Hawaii Kapalua Bay
Size: 16 x 20
Medium: Oil on gallery wrapped canvas
Check out my eBay auction for purchase.
I painted this in my loose plein air style and I used my favorite blues and sandy beach colors, knife and a bit of brush. I'm wondering if I should make another, newer U-tube to show how I paint this style, it's lots of fun. What do you think?
I took out some old Maui photos and it really makes me want to go to my favorite island when I do that. Maui is great. Kapalua Bay has warm golden sand, swaying palms, calm waters. What more can you ask for? Maybe a nice cold drink?

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Everlasting Roses

Title: Everlasting Roses
Size: 16 x 20
Medium: Oil on gallery wrapped canvas

Check out my auction on eBay for purchase

I wanted to paint roses in various warm colors and really set them off with a cool blues in the background. I love how this one turned out. I used rapid swipes of my knife , turning the canvas as I made each rose and they are so much fun to paint this way.

Florals are one of my favorite things to paint. Each one is unique and has its own personality. This one is very romantic! Would make a great gift.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Autumn Gold

Title: Autumn Gold
Size: 24 x 30
Medium: Oil on gallery wrapped canvas
See eBay auction tonight for purchase
Todays painting is an original oil on gallery wrap with sides painted so no frame is needed. I titled it "Autumn Gold"partly because of the glow of Fall leaves but also because, if you look closely, you will see I varnished in bits of real gold leaf. I got carried away with lots of beautiful reds and golden hues and this painting has lots of texture and layers of contrasting color dragged with a palette knife.
In the past I used gold leaf in some of my acrylic paintings and other mixed media and really like the results, so I am going to try a few on eBay for you. Virginia is absolutely georgeous right now with the leaves almost all turned and I am in love with these trees.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Violin Solo

Title: Violin Solo
Size: 24 x 30
Medium: Oil on canvas and mixed media
See eBay auction tonight for purchase...opening bid will be $160
This original oil is large and heavily textured with oil and palette knife, yet has delicate brushwork and detail. Painting women in elaborate gowns is crazy fun. After painting a few smaller violin women for an art show, I decided to paint this larger one and get extra creative with some musical sheets varnished into the painting, floating about. I also used a bit of gold paint for some extra sheen.
I listen to my daughter practice her violin almost every day and just bought her a gown for her performances. I can't wait and will probably cry when I see her play. I've painted many violin women but this one was extra fun. It's always good to push aside "what should be" and paint what is in my mind. Here I see the music dancing in her head before she plays and she looks a bit nervous, but you can find your own story.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Beach Palms in Paradise

Title: Hawaii Palms in Paradise
Size: 11 x 14
Medium: Oil on gallery wrapped canvas
See eBay auction for purchase
This little painting takes us outside to a sunny retreat dominated by blues and greens. Light is painted in vivid golds and indian yellows to give the impression of warmth and sun. You can almost feel that nice breeze. Here my palette is lighter and although I use mostly palette knife, I have some brisk, fleeting brushmarks.
We actually had a warm sunny day today and the sun always puts me in a good mood. I thought someone somewhere might like a reminder of better days during some of winter's colder ones. Hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Colorful Wildflowers

Title: Colorful Flowers
Size: 12 x 16
Medium: Oil on gallery wrapped canvas

See eBay auction or contact me for purchase info.

You almost feel like its Spring again with these. Painted in many dimensional layers of Winsor Newton Artist Oils. This one has a lot of texture and broken color created with a tiny palette knife.
I have been freezing cold and just can't get used to the chill in the air. Yesterday I went and cut what was probably the last of all my cutting flowers in the yard plus some mums and daisies, put them in a vase and here they are.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Big Sunflowers

Title: Big Sunflowers
Size: 24 x 30
Medium: Oil on gallery wrapped canvas

See eBay auction for purchase tonight.

It has a deep dark underpainting and then I put a lot of rich yellows on my palette for this one. I used an extra royal blue to set them off. Thick buttery paints, pulled and dragged with a knife in multiple layers, one of my signature paintings.

I went to Trader Joes this weekend to stock up and bought a pumpkin and a bunch of Sunflowers....just couldn't resist. They just brighten up the room!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Venice Colors

Title: Venice Colors
Size : 20 x 24
Medium: Oil on gallery wrapped canvas
See eBay auction for purchase tonight.
Powerful and cheerful primary colors abound in this sunny painting of a wonderful city. The color sets the tone, and texture helps to elicit an emotion and tell a story. The vibrant colors and hues are thickly applied with many layers of incredible Winsor Newton Artist Oils with a palette knife.
The romance and sheer beauty of Venice has been an inspiration to every artist who has ever traveled there. I returned from Venice in September and can't stop thinking about it. It's surreal because of its antiquity and unique charm. I wish I could go more often! But if not, at least I will enjoy painting it every so often! Remember what they say...doing what you like is freedom. Liking what you do is happiness!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Big Red Poppies

Title: Big Red Poppies
Size: 24 x 30
Medium: Oil on gallery wrapped canvas

See eBay auction for purchase tonight!

These really are huge and make quite a statement! If you need a punch of reds in a room, this painting will do it. After painting an abstract underpainting, as I sculpted the paint these huge poppies began to emerge. I layered dark to light with a large knife, one mixed color at time, pushing the reds and then surrounded the petals with soft gold and green foliage.
I really just can't resist painting this flower every once in awhile! It's just so much fun and looks great in my living room, especially around the holidays, in a wide black frame! I have several holiday shows coming in December and am gearing up! Hope you enjoy!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Italy, Hillside of Flowers

Title: Italy Hillside of Flowers
Size: 20 x 24
Medium: Oil on gallery wrapped canvas
See eBay auction for purchase
This composition developed slowly with a rough sketch in blues and greens. Soft greys and lavenders in the background help the painting have perspective. I finished all the base deeper colors and when dry I carefully added brighter reds and oranges with a palette knife for added texture in the foreground.
Radiating with optimism, the vibrant palette and serene composition of this landscape was inspired by my recent trip to Italy. Hope you enjoy it!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Rise of the Phoenix

Title: The Rise of the Phoenix
Size: 20 x 24
Medium: Oil on gallery wrapped canvas

See tonight's eBay auction for purchase.

This original oil has a bright underpainting of oranges, reds and blues. When dry I layered it richly with the highest quality oils, Winsor Newton Artist oils, and the brilliant creature is emerges.
I've always liked the notion of this mythical bird. The rebirth of the bird from the flames is a great metaphor for so many of us in so many ways and tells a story of hope and rejuvination. Hope it inspires you!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Fall Park Walk with the Dog

Title: Fall Park Walk with the Dog
Size: 20 x 24
Medium: Oil on gallery wrapped canvas
See my auction ...opening bid is $138
This painting is very fitting for the season. It's suddenly very chilly and rainy here in Arlington, VA and the trees are beautiful and full of Fall colors. I have many layers of paint, delicately swiped with palette knife and I love to paint trees this way. The colors are layered dark to light and I go heavier as I paint so that the highlighted colors are the thickest.
The season and the trees all around me here in this city. I walk my dog 3 times a day, even in the rain and love the colors here now. Walking is mentally stimulating and exhiliarating and my little Maggie loves it!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Lovely Lavender

Title: Lovely Lavender
Size: 20 x 24
Medium: Oil on gallery wrapped canvas
See eBay auction tonight or contact me for purchase info.
Another cheerful landscape with the lots of oil layering. It begins with dark and light washes one on top of the other and then the thicker painting begins. It's bright, with contrasting blues and golds. A lovely composition and very French in color.
I've been into all kinds of lavender lately. Planted some in my yard and just love its fragrance. Now I'm buying lavender lotions and soaps. I never get tired of smelling it or painting it!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Lake Tahoe

Title: Lake Tahoe, California
Size: 20 x 24
Medium: Oil on gallery wrapped canvas

See tonight's eBay listing for purchase.

Checkout the new link on the right side of my blog...I was featured in the Emerging Artist section of Art Business News Magazine!

This oil has many layers of thick color applied with palette knife and took a very long time to finally complete. I have a lot of beautiful broken colors in this piece and even the pines have many layers of multiple colors in bark and backlit sky.
I grew up in Tahoe and have to say I took its beauty for granted as kids will do, but remember it vividly. When I visit it brings tears to my eyes, it really is that awsome. This lake is very deep, and very clear blue and icy cold! We would swim until we were blue and then roll in the warm sand all summer long.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Pirates Alley New Orleans

Title: Pirates Alley New Orleans
Size: 20 x 24
Medium: Oil on gallery wrapped canvas

See eBay auction for purchase

Palette knife and strong color dominate this composition. I have lots of color contrast in this one, pushing the color as I love to do in my New Orleans paintings.
This particular alley is alluring for its history and charm and I enjoy painting it time and again in different light and season. Hope you enjoy it!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Jazz Quartet New Orleans

Title: Jazz Quartet New Orleans
Size: 24 x 30
Medium: Oil on gallery wrapped canvas

See eBay auction for purchase

I applied a black and red underpainting. When dry, the fun begins! While listening to some great Jazz music...I love the Sax...I applied layer after layer of oils with palette knife. I sculpt and the added layers of paint building the musicians off the canvas, emerging from the colors and musical energy....lots of fun! I like the dark background in this musical piece, highlighted with the bright reds, blues and greens.
Just listening to the music!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Italy Flowers and Laundry

Lots of walking in feet were bruised from miles of cobblestone, but I took 1,000 photos of details and architecture. There were some adorable cats so I put one in this painting if you look real close. And of course the charming laudry hanging in the breeze!

Title: Italy Flowers and Laundry
Size: 16 x 20
Medium: Oil on gallery wrapped canvas
See eBay auction tonight for purchase
I painted basically a black and white painting as my underpainting using burnt umbers, sap greens and aliz. crimson as the black. This acts as my sketch and tones the canvas for depth. Then I come back with thicker paint and add color and bits of highlight colors. I love using the palette knife for old stucco and brick it's so much fun. And of course all the details are, shutters, laundry and the cat! This painting took quite awhile to paint and I enjoyed every minute!
My recent trip to Italy!
Hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Brilliant Yellow Sunflowers

Title: Brilliant Yellow Sunflowers
Size: 20 x 24
Medium: Oil on gallery wrapped canvas
See eBay auction for purchase
This original oil has many layers of broken color and was a joy to paint. It has been a work in progress for a very long time and is finally complete. I used many shades of each color so the painting would have depth in every area. I love the combination of blue background and bright yellow. Palette knife was heavily used and just a bit of brush.
When it rains around here I feel the need for a bit of sunshine and these flowers never fail to cheer me up!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Poppy Paradise

Title: Poppy Paradise
Size: 20 x 24
Medium: Oil on gallery wrapped canvas
Check out eBay auction tonight for purchase
Poppies are pure joy to paint! Lots of oil paint, and lots of color. The background is layered on in several layers of royal and thalo blues. Then I place many center layers of many green colors with knife. Top layers are in many shades of poppy red, finishing with a heavy handed bright red and gold.
When I lived in California, at Edwards Airforce Base, the best part of the area were the wild poppies that bloomed every Spring. The California poppies are a golden orange color that is beautiful. I recently returned from Italy where you find these lovely red poppies....they're breathtaking. This painting is inspired by both places. Hope you enjoy!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Fall Fishing Reflection

Title: Fall Fishing Reflection
Size: 20 x 24
Medium: Oil on gallery wrapped canvas
Check out eBay auction for purchase tonight
I had a lot of fun with these Fall colors and the light blue in the water and sky sets them off beautifully. I toned this canvas with an underpainting just a shade deeper than the finished painting so that the colors go from deeper, cooler colors, to brighter, warmer colors as they are layered. As usual, I start with both knife and brush, scumbling shades on, and then finish with a heavier hand on my highlight colors and some finer brushwork in sky.
I painted my very first fisherman for a gallery when we lived in Alabama, and it didn't take long to sell. I painted a lot of river scenes along the river in Montgomery and there was often someone fishing. The serenity of the scene took my breathe away. Sometimes it is the simple things that are beautiful and you don't even have to travel far to find them, but seeing in the right light is the key. Hope you enjoy!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

New York Lights

Title: New York Lights
Size: 20 x 24
Medium: Oil on gallery wrapped canvas

See eBay auction tonight for purchase

This original oil is almost dry. I love to paint a thick black underpainting and then attack the canvas with pulls of bright oil. I sculpt the shapes with paint and add details at the end. At one point I turned the painting upside down to make sure it was balanced. This reflective cityscaped was lots of fun to paint with high quality Winsor Newton Artist Oils, and will look great in wide black frame.

New York is always exciting to paint. There is so much to see it can be overwhelming, but I try to focus on one or two individuals and taxis. New York is only a six hour drive from my house so we love to visit as often as possible!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Venice Window

Title: Venice Window
Size: 9" x 12"
Medium: oil on gallery wrapped canvas

Check out my eBay auction tonight to purchase

This small original is a close up of one of my favorite Venice details...the charming, shuttered, flower-filled windows. I have an umber underpainting to tone the canvas and then used foundation white and ocher colors for depth and texture. I slather it on like a mason for the stucco finish and carve away at it like a sculpture to get the brick and iron work detail. I use a bit of brush on the window with a painterly touch. These little paintings take me just as long to paint as the larger ones but they are a joy to paint.

On my recent trip to Italy, I took hundreds of photos of windows. I love windows anyway but the Venice windows are special.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Lake Como Hidden Cove

Title: Lake Como Hidden Cove
Size: 16 x 20
Medium: Oil on gallery wrapped canvas

See eBay auction tonight for purchase

Painted from one of my small travel sketches...this original oil combines palette knife and brush and golden colors to create a colorful and serene setting. Many layers of luminous blues and greens are glazed onto the canvas from lean to heavy so the texture helps add emotion to the piece.

My family and I recently returned from Lake Como (here they are) and we walked all around the town. I found a little alley, so narrow my hands could touch both walls and convinced them to follow me down. It must have gone down for miles, but we trecked on, out of curiousity to where it would lead. And this is where we ended up! This beautiful private beach. Isn't it a lovely spot? So I had to paint it.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

French Quarter Night, New Orleans

Title: French Quarter Night, New Orleans
Size: 20 x 24
Medium: Oil on gallery wrapped canvas

See eBay auction tonight for purchase

This new oil uses a colorful abstract background as its underpainting, adding both texture and underlying color and depth to the cityscape. My signiture use of palette knife helps create the mysterious narrative and gives my work a spontaneous feel. I like to use vivid color in my New Orleans paintings so they reflect the soul and uniqueness of the place itself.

The drama and spirit of New Orleans is always inspiring. I love to visit and to paint its historical and scenic streets.